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About hagiasofia40

  • Rank
    casual sniffer

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  • Country
    United States

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  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
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  1. hagiasofia40

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    No need for apologies, I'm glad you're open to friendships with everyone! I figured you might have meant that the women in your "circle" weren't the right type but wasn't sure, so I appreciate the clarification. I know it can be tough to find people (heck, of any gender) you jive with, but it's nice to know you don't prejudge. Heh, I thought you might appreciate the Embalming Fluid reference. For some reason you give me sort of a modern day explorer vibe, with the interest in history and anthropology, plus the bonus of an intellectual side. Those blends (to me at least) convey strength with femininity and a bit of adventure. I have always harbored a secret desire to be the female Indiana Jones! I'm very impressed that you were able to guess that. Tristram is one of the two scents I have tried, along with Antony (Illyria), and I love it!
  2. hagiasofia40

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    "Hey there, I know this is a slight diversion from the thread's aim, but I wanted to comment on the "women are catty and manipulative" angle. I find that this is really no better than saying that "all men are stupid and gross," etc. I understand that in your experience the women you've met may have acted that way - but I really feel that generalizing an entire gender based on those you've been around is very unfair and damaging. Not just for other women, but for yourself. Because for every gossipy type you've met, there's another laid-back, drama-free person like yourself that simply enjoys gaming and sports. You'll find that the majority of people on the BPAL forums are women... and they are intelligent, fun, chill and overall awesome people. I myself am a gamer geek that would rather watch kung fu movies over "chick flicks" anyday, but I've known plenty of guys that give my female friends a run for their money when it comes to emotional drama. So... I guess my point in all this is just that I hope you'll consider looking at your preconceptions again. You seem like a fun person and I would be bummed if you were to make assumptions about others just because of their gender. As women we're already dealing with the short end of the stick when it comes to everyday sexism, rape culture, internalized misogyny and crap like that, so while I'm not saying you should get along with every women because SISTERHOOD, I just hope you'll give them the benefit of the doubt. :)" I totally understand where you are coming from with that statement- in no way was it meant to generalize the female population. I am simply speaking from my own life experiences. IN MY EXPERIENCE, I find most women MY AGE to be very difficult. That is not to say that I don't know any women I get along with, or indeed any men I can't stand to spend time with. I am sure there are a lot of women who feel the same as I do (in fact, my roommate shares my disposition on this matter). I just don't seem to be able to find them anywhere! I would also like to clarify: I do not judge a person based solely on their gender. I dislike people individually. In conclusion, I do apologize if my post struck you in a negative way. I have experienced my fair share of sexism in my life, and would agree that as women, we need to support and stand up for each other. I simply intended to give an impression of my personality as the others on this forum had done, and I felt that an important fact to mention. Thank you so much for the recommendations! I thought "Embalming Fluid" was pretty apt, considering what I do.
  3. hagiasofia40

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Greetings, earthlings! I'm new to BPAL and dying to try some new scents. I recently gave up on the whole mass market fragrance thing because quite frankly, it was just too boring. I'm a 20 year old double major in physical anthropology and French, with a minor in history. I'm average height girl with strawberry-blonde hair, incredibly fair skin, and green eyes. Most of my life, I have been viewed as "one of the guys". I would rather be eating pizza and watching hockey with my guy friends than watching a romcom with my female friends. I really don't get along with women all that well in general- I find them too catty and manipulative. I am a very blunt person, and I pride myself on this. I am also incredibly outgoing. As for hobbies, I run a fairly small beauty blog, watch/read/follow pretty much any fandom you care to think of, game fairly obsessively, and read a lot. I am also a classical violinist, a (retired) ballerina, an actress, and a fencer. I am a crack shot with a rifle, and I'm also a decent mechanic and a VERY good cook. Musically speaking, I love classical (Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and Bach), AC/DC, Nirvana, Marina and the Diamonds, A Fine Frenzy, Maroon 5, and Bastille. In my day to day life, you'll most likely find me dressed in jeans, boots, and sweaters. I'll either be in the library or in the anthropology lab playing with dead bodies. As far as fragrances go, I really dislike anything too overly floral, cloying, or sweet. I amp floral notes like crazy, and as such, tend to steer clear of them. I hope that's enough to be going on......... Thanks in advance!