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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Opistic

  1. Opistic


    Catherine was for me, as it appears it was for many others here, a frimp. It's not something I normally would have chosen for myself, but I find myself liking it. It's definately one of the more openly powerful scents I got. In the little imp: Whoa rosemary! That's about all I can smell right from the imp. There may be other scents playing around under it, but it is by far the most openly loud and overbearing. Wet on the skin: Still rosemary, although it's toning itself down a little Dry on the skin: This is where it gets nicer. As the rosemary dies down the rose comes out. Personally, I don't get any of the orange blossom, but that's alright. The rose unfortunately turns a little powdery on me, but paired with the herby rosemary it smells nice. I like this little imp, and I'll keep it, although it's not one of my favorite scents, and I have bad images associated with rosemary (due to a person of the same name and her devistating impact on my family)
  2. Opistic

    Moon Rose

    Let me preface by saying, I love rose, and my mother loves rose (hates vanilla though). It's no surprise that I now love Moon Rose. I'm sure that when I purchase some actual bottles, this will be included among them. In the little imp: Pure delicate rose. Beautiful and a bit haunting (possibly the moonflower?) On the skin wet: This gained a lot of throw on me wet. I smelled strongly of roses for a long time, even after it dried down. It became more of a classic rose scent wet on me. On the skin dry: I'll admit, either I haven't gotten the chance to try one of those elusive scents that change on people, or I have really boring skin chemistry because the past two oils I've tried have not changed much in any of the stages. On me, moon rose remained a beautiful pale rose, and luckily I got a lot of wear and throw from it. My mother actually complimented me on it in the car. Moon rose is everything I had wanted and expected from BPAL and more.
  3. Opistic

    Antique Lace

    First Impressions in the Vial: Very Vanilla and very warm and sugary. I was instantly reminded of food and baking cookies. Wet on the skin: Very much the same as in the vial, although I did get a whiff of something almost floral-y Upon drydown: Still Vanilla, but a different vanilla. It's still very much sweet, but it seems...matured in a sense. I can't really pick up on the floral's, but perhaps those are what is adding the depth to the scent. I smell very warm and inviting with this on. Although I'm not a vanilla person (and my mother absolutely hates it) I like this a lot. I think it would work better if I were in a sweeter mood than I am in today though, because my actions and countenance are not matching with how I smell right now . I'm not sure if I'll be buying a full bottle though. I have lots of imp's to try (Antique lace was my first ever BPAL). I'll have to revisit this scent later with some more BPAL experiance under my belt.