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Everything posted by warriorprincess87

  1. warriorprincess87

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    Hi Ashley, you do exactly as you described. You send the amount + shipping to Bpal's paypal address and write the order in the comments section
  2. warriorprincess87


    Everything everyone has said above me is true. The fragrance beautifully captures the essence of fall. When I first smelled Samhain in the bottle, the first note I noticed was apples but on it smelled more like delicious spices and pumpkin and fall leaves blowing in the wind. It's really hard to describe but it is a great scent.
  3. warriorprincess87


    I love the smell of this one so much but I also got a bid red welt where I put it on. The name is very well suited.