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BPAL Madness!


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About Miss.Kraehe

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday June 13


  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Country
    United States

Profile Information

  • Gender


  • Favorite Scents
    Foods, Flowers, Spices, Teas, Matcha, anything that might come out of my kitchen after a round of experimental baking. And Cosplay scents for specific characters. Basically, everything except hibiscus.

Contact Methods

  • Website URL


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign

About Me

So... I guess I should describe myself?
I'm a lunatic. A recent-ishly graduated English Major, French minor, formerly International Affairs major, almost Women's Studies minor.
I'm a Sailor Moon fanatic who cosplays Sailor Neptune and is working on both Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, and Princess Serenity.
I'm into MLP, Utena, Princess Tutu, Petshop of Horros, Shitsurakuen, and La Rose de Versailles. And mangling the English Language when it amuses me.
I'm recovering from some bad brain chemistry caused by going to the absolutely wrong college.
I like variety in my scents - my two main everyday scents are Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre (2012) from BPAL, and Tea Time with Der Todd, which is a blend of my own creation based on the Takarazuka adaptation of the German Musical, Elisabeth.(Lemon Drops, Peppermint, and Bergamot with just a drop of crypt)
In the meantime, I've taken up tea blending and tumblring. (And I may be absolutely obsessed with the Takarazuka Revue)
You can find me on tumblr as Miss.Kraehe.
You can also find me on scentbase here: https://scentbase.com/MissKraehe

In a nutshell, I'm an old-school shoujo fan with feminist and foodie leanings who hates hibiscus with a burning passion.
