Currently in heavy rotation: Jólabókaflóð, Nasty Woman, Tea & Music, Some Strangeness in the Proportion, Palmyra, Mourning Cloak, Hal, A Moment in Time, Half-Elven Bard, Forever Is Mercy Built, Prosperous Flowers of the Elegant Twelve Seasons, etc. etc.
Warm and earthy, "dirty hippie"ish = good. My skin demolishes anything supposed to be cold or watery! Note-wise, I favor all things resinous, woodsy, or incense-y. Oud/oudh/oude, sandalwood, and saffron are particular favorites. I stay away from aquatics, florals (except for lavender, which is great), wine/alcohol, and foody scents, with a very few exceptions. Citrus is generally awful on my skin, but fig and (usually) apple are fantastic.
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SCA, antiquarian books, early music, woodwind instruments, all things medieval, various forms of dance, Doctor Who, Firefly, fantasy/sf in general. And sushi!