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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by gallifreyan_orphan

  1. gallifreyan_orphan

    Little Lady Frankenstein

    This smells like a brighter but softer version of Numb to me. It smells cold and bright. I love ozone scents so this may be one of my new favorites. As it dries, there's a soft sweetness that comes in behind the ozone. I suck at identifying scents so I don't know what it is but I love it
  2. gallifreyan_orphan

    Circus Bear

    In the bottle, this smells primarily like cocoa for me with a bit of that cream. On the skin, the flowers start to come out. I can smell the gardenias and roses, and I can see how this would work for some people, but I'm more of a foodie girl so i just don't think this one is for me.