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Posts posted by Joyleaf_

  1. Straight from the twisted alleys of Dis, by way of the City of Angels: opium smoke, lemon flower, heliotrope, tuberose, black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower.


    2006 Version


    I was gifted this bottle by a good friend who thought Id enjoy it much mire than her and she was right! The opium smoke and dark musk have a languid feel and the bright citrus and coconut notes are (thankfully) mostly hidden. They only add a hint of sweetness. I can also get a slight floral which Im expecting to be the tuberose. Its a lovely fragrance and my only sadness is that it does not last longer on my skin

  2. Hello!
    With your list I suggest:


    Bordello: Bawdy plum with amaretto, burgundy wine and black currant.

    Titania: A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon.
    Cordelia: The essence of faith, love and devotion: lilac, lemon, green tea, wisteria, osmanthus, white cedar, and Chinese musk.
    Roses, Pearls, Diamonds: Red roses, dazzling crystalline musks, and pearlescent coconut-tinged orris.
    Cheshire Cat: Grapefruit, red currant, dark musk, Roman chamomile, delphinium, and lavender.
    These are all from the GC catalogue and are ones Ive tried that have the most in common with your list. Hope this helps!

  3. I received this in a recent order as a frimp.

    I usually tend for more spicy, musky scents, so I would have passed right by it.

    However this floral is clear, a little creamy has a spice to it that reminds me of carnations.

    Its alright for a floral, but not something Ill pick up again

  4. A gentlemen's lavender-citron cologne unhinged by the feral pungence of black musk and a paroxysm of pennyroyal.


    i have been going through and testing out frimps I got ages ago and today its Mad Hatters turn. in the imp and wet its this shock of bright green mint, almost a single note. As it dries down theres a weird sticky sweetness to it, like mint candy. The cloying over sweetness is too much for me. Not a favorite, and I probably wont revist.

  5. Hello! i just went through the past 10 pages of this just to make sure I hadnt posted once already and forgotten. I think Im safe.


    My name is LIz, and I am 23 years of age. Im a pagan, potter, pansexual (try saying that 5 times fast). I am an Aries sun, and Aries moon and a Taurus rising. I love to garden, read, hike, and eat. I have a voracious appetite for life. For a living I teach pottery, work at a witchcraft store, read tarot and offer reiki, and sell the functional pots I make. My friends and partners would describe me as someone with drive and passion, stubborn and mule-headed, but also a huge softie behind closed doors. I find joy in the little rituals of life, beauty in the everyday occurrences. I love poetry and flowers, enough to have them tattooed on me. As a Slytherin I tend to be protective towards those I love, and willing to do whatever for their safety and happiness. I have a fascination with knives and sharp objects, candles, incense, and stones. I see myself as a fierce lioness and I try to project that strength.


    Scents I know and love: The Lion, Bastet, O, Liz, Dracul, Iago, Mme Moriaty, Oblivion.
    Not a huge fan of : Black Phoenix, anything aquatic ever, and cinnamon hurts my skin

  6. Golden amber and galbanum with frankincense, myrrh, Balm of Gilead, vanilla-infused sandalwood, sand-smoothed leather, and Ceylon cinnamon.


    I was super excited to try this after reading the reviews. Like what has already been said I get a lot of warmth from this blend, like resinous sunlight to me. However it also seems like theres an aquatic note to this, and combing through the list I cant quite tell where its coming from, feels like looking up at the sun through the waves. A very restful blend. Ill keep and use this bottle but wont be getting another I dont think.

  7. As an Aries I felt it was my duty to purchase this for my birthday.

    I have a bottle of the previous Aries scent that I purchased from a forumite a while ago. The aged, old version has this bite and vicious quality to it, like dragons fire. Its extremely heavy on the pepper and ginger.

    However this new formula is lovely and I have to restrain myself from constantly sniffing my wrists. In the bottle I detect the red musk, the dragons blood and a hint of spice. Its warm and full and lush. On the skin the sandalwood comes out to play and I can smell the herbs a bit more, rue and rosemary especially. My skin loves to drink up dragons blood, but in this blend theres a hint that stays. I am thrilled!

    This is one Ill be coming back to again and again. Might have to splurge for another bottle.

  8. After taking a bit of time away from the Bpal world, Ive come back and decided to re-test my collection.
    Dee for some reason was one that I had passed over on and was at the top of my list to re-try.


    I am so glad I did. This soft, light leather is barely touched with incense smoke and has the warmth of the woods interspersed.


    Its like getting a hug from a favorite friend.


    6/5 would wear again.

  9. I recently pulled this imp from the almost exploding box of them to give it a retry.
    I dont remember my first thoughts on the Jackal-headed gods scent but holy cow is it amazing now.

    Its this golden cloud of incense smoke and sweetness, with some complex darker notes just lurking underneath.

    I cant stop sniffing myself.Definitely a keeper

  10. If you love vanilla, the obvious rec.s are Eat Me and Snake Oil. Eat Me is more gourmand, Snake Oil is sweet vanilla with wonderful spice to it. Morocco is also a vanilla spice blend, and Bengal is a spice blend without much vanilla. I would also recommend Mag Mel and Brisingamen as wonderful ambers. You might also look at Perversion or Golden Priapus. All are GC.

    Ive tried Eat Me and it turns to weird baby powder and fades away on me, and Snake OIl is lovely. Ill have to check out Mag Mei and Brisingamen as I havent thought to pick them up before now. Thanks for the recs!

  11. I am fairly new to this, only having tried most of the GC or fairly easy to get LEs, but this is my list so far:


    1. Liz

    2. O

    3. Oblivion

    4. Wrath

    5. Bastet


    Most of the notes I find myself gravitating towards are vanillas, amber, warm musks, and spices. I know for a fact that bitter almond, and fougere smell like crap on me. I would appreciate any help or thoughts!

  12. Those are pretty much what they smell like. POS sorta reminds me of a carmel covered apple and a chocolate bar washed down with some sort of alcohol.

    Im actually really sad that they are no longer made.

    They are very lovely.

    Ill just have to hoard them obsessively.

    Thanks guys!

  13. Bard

    Fpr me, this Bard is a bit of a charmer. Definitely the mercurial silver-tongued variety of bards, this scent just sweeps me off my feet. I get a deep musky vanilla note with a spicey-ness that surprises me. As it dries down, the bay rum blooms on my skin, and it mixes with the musky vanilla. The notes swirl together and leave me breathless.

    This may have influenced me to start a Bard character on my next game of DnD...

  14. I received a couple frimps from both the Lab and a swap and Im having a bit of trouble figuring out what they are




    Pint O' Stout


    Maiden is from the Ars Armatoria section notes are: A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose.

    Dee is from the Bewitching Brews section notes are: His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods.


    O'Hara I have never heard of.

    Pint O' Stout I have never heard of either.


    Thank you so Much! I think the others may have been from another company or something. You answered my questions wonderfully.

  15. The first thing I smelt when opening the imp was sticky sweet almonds. Almost a marzipan smell. On my skin, the almonds intensified, and got a rather burnt sugar smell. I couldnt smell any of the vanilla, frankincense, or cinnamon. Apparently my skin just soaks those scents up. Such a shame

  16. I wish I could like this. I received Ogun as a frimp with my last order and having promptly looked up the description, I thought we might be able to get along.


    Boy was I wrong.


    This blend smells like a drunken truck driver sitting in a bar on me.

    It was boozy, smokey and smelt like BO.


    I had to wash it off
