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Posts posted by Joyleaf_

  1. 2016 Version.

    I really wanted to love this one. I love amber and generally its a note of win on my skin. This is like baby poweder that got mixed in with powdered milk and then got sour. Its awful and I hate it an I need to scrub it off immediately. Gah.

  2. This is absolutely stunning on me. I got a sniffie of it a while back and searched out a bottle. Its this warm gooey vanilla with resinous sandalwood and an hint of more woods.


    The pepper and the myrrh smooth it down and its really lovely. I just, yum. It is pretty unisex on me, with a slight feminine flair, and I can assume that on my partner it would be absolutely devastating.

  3. When I got ready today I said to myself "I want to smell like beautiful murder". Unerringly, my hand grabbed Indulgence, and I can say with complete confidence that I smell like beautiful murder. Or gorgeous maiming, enchanting wounding, other frilly descriptions of blood and rage and power. Truly, any of the Crimson Peak line would have sufficed, but this one is much warmer than some of the other choices *coughLucillecough*, and isn't as soft as my beloved Black Moths. I'm utterly entranced and after several several hours I can still smell it wafting around me. Bottom line this warm, slightly masculine scent still has the sharp edge of the knife. Gorgeous blend of patch and resin and tobacco flower. One I see myself reaching for again.

  4. For some reason I expected more from Lady Lucille. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that arose when she sold out gave her this legendary status, this hype, that I just dont get. She makes me feel cold. The scent is very floral and ice cold and I dont warm to her in any sense. I respect her, but I dont want to be around her.

    Beth made this blend beautifully and perfectly and the fact that I cant stand it is a testament to that.

  5. Cicadas make this high screeching noise in the middle of a muggy summer day. For myself and other Southerners, its not quite summer unless the unholy shrieking of very large bugs can be heard throughout the house. These things make sounds that can be heard for miles through reinforced steel probably. Its grating, harsh, and impossible to ignore and happens during the season where you feel like your will to live is sweating out of your body and pooling onto your clothing.The season where its hard to care about anything thats not cold liquids and air conditioning repairs- and these bugs make you care about their pointless annoying lives.

    The point is that this is the scent version of that sound. This makes it seem like its unpleasant, which its not, it just demands attention in a way many of my preferred blends dont. It precedes me into the room and slaps everyone in the face with a fish. I love it and hate it in equal measure.

  6. I love this scent. Ive been looking for a forest scent, specifically one that reminds me of my home in the NC Mountains. The pine note in here is perfect for that and the smoke smells like a bonfire on a crisp night. Its like a hug from a sexy lumberjack.

    I foresee a lot of wear when Im feeling homesick, and tired of the swamp of Eastern NC.

  7. I tend to amp patchouli so bear that in mind with my review.

    On my skin the patch is the first on the scene and it stays until far past curtain call. A couple of other cast members make appearances, namely the vanilla, and the red musk. I dont get much from the hazelnut or leather. Its a really warm, rich scent. Lucky for me I havent met a patch I didnt like so the overlong presence of it here is a plus rather than a negative. Big bottle purchase for sure.

  8. On me while wet, Outlaw is understated root beer and slight leather. However, the gentleness of this scent immediately changes upon drydown. Urgh it turns to this cloying, sweet vanilla scent. Its almost painful how sweet this gets. And it lasts too. Hours after applying I would catch a whiff of vanilla sugar, get confused and then realize I smelled like extra sweet baked goods.


    Not what I was hoping for. Alas.

  9. On wet theres an undertone of something here that smells like it doesnt belong. It has a faint edge of fake pink bubblegum flavor... almost like pepto bismol. That quickly dies down to a warm coffee with whiffs of cinnamon. The oil is quickly eaten by my skin- I will let this sit for a little bit and then come back to it.

  10. This perfume has the same feel to me as Lyonesse does.. its got a lightness to it that I didnt expect.

    It smells like a soft flannel shirt that a kind lumberjack wears to work. I get hints of the wood and the smoke, but theres a sweetness to it that surprised me. I like it, but its not quite what I had expected. I look onward for the perfect woody cologne blend.

  11. I have come to the conclusion that the dead leaves/autumn leaves note leaves something to be desired on me. I had tried a previous years' Samhain and thought it just hadnt aged well but this has the same high pitched screeching feel that Samhain did. Luckily my skin seemed to amp the smoke and red musk which to me smelled divine, but to a co-worker smelled like playdough and craft store. Ehh To each their own.

  12. Imp has never been one of my favorites. It smells like straight up peach syrup from those horrid fruit cups we would get as kids for lunch. At least us Americans, or maybe just us Southerners.

    However, when I dumped it in my oil burner it completely changed the way I thought about it. Its a warm golden scent from the burner and I can smell the patch and musk much better now. An excellent smell for autumn and conveniently covers up the hints of my kittehs box.

  13. Snake Oil with cinnamon, cassia, and red ginger.


    2016 Version.
    The cinnamon and ginger are the star players here. Maybe I amp cinnamon, but for a solid hour all I smell is cinnamon. Its like I open a jar of ground cinnamon and just stuffed my nose in it. After a little bit of time I start to get hints of snake oil and it warms and gets sweeter. I feel like I am baking snickerdoodle cookies when I wear this, and I love it.

  14. When I first apply Unicorn Hunt its like I opened up a jar of cassia at work and took a huge whiff. Almost a single note, but after a bit, I start to get hints of berries, currents. I don't get any vetiver in this blend, which is a disappointment for me personally, but vetiver haters can breathe easy. The only bit of amber is the warmth of the blend and the slight sweetness overall. I can see this getting a lot of wear in the colder months. Im so glad I blind bottled this one.

    Another thing, I usually react fairly harshly to the presence of cinnamon in my perfume, all red and splotchy, but this blend doesnt give me that reaction. I love it.

  15. This smells exactly like dryer sheets to me. Dryer sheets and pledge. If I wanted to smell like the inside of a laundry room this would be the exact perfume Id grab. As thats not really a feeling I want to invoke, Ill give this one a pass.

  16. Im not a huge fan of light, clean fragrances. I prefer my perfume to be dark, smokey, resinous. That being said, this isnt terrible. Its very light and pleasantly gently floral. I could see this being used in the stickiest of summer days in an attempt to feel lighter.

    Ill keep the imp, but wont reorder

  17. At first on my skin I get notes of black pepper. Just straight up from the grinder black pepper.

    After a while it subsides and something sweeter and heavier comes into play like maybe carnation and something woody. Interesting, but not something Ill ever reach for again.

  18. I received this as a frimp. Initially this smells like a potpourri left out in my grandparents house and it stays there. Not for me defintely, and when i offered it to The Boyfriend he made a face and complained about how fruity it was.
    Ill try it again, but if I dont like it Ill just rehome it to a friend.
