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Everything posted by fruitycake

  1. fruitycake

    Blood Kiss

    The spicyness of the cloves and the herbal grasses (vetiver?) round out the sweetness of the vanilla and cherry. It's a well-blended, creamy scent with a touch of fruity without being gourmand or too foody. I never though I could wear cloves, but they add just the right touch to create a womanly fragrance. Rating: 4.5/5
  2. fruitycake


    Mmm, I smell fresh, authentic bananas - none of this artificial, overly sweet fruit scents with an earthy, wooden note that grounds the sweetness of the fruit (do I smell a bit of coconut, too?). This is not your typical tropical-type of fragrance - it's complex with earthy, ozone notes that adds a level of sophistication to the ripe bananas. Lovely.
  3. fruitycake


    I mainly smell big, luscious cherries. Even though that's the main note I pick out, there's an underlying licorice scent that rounds it out.
  4. fruitycake

    The Unicorn

    I love this scent - it's a delicate, soft (but not soapy) ethereal blend of with white florals and the faintest bit of herbs.
  5. fruitycake

    Come to Me

    Like the previous reviewers have noted, Come to Me definitely has a clean, soapy smell with limited lasting power. My skin eats this scent up, so I have to reapply However, though, a co-worker of mine sniffed my wrist and said I smelled like pancake syrup. The first day I wore this, I noticed I was getting more attention from men, ranging from stealing glances, to flirty borderline sexual comments, and the like. The second day, a co-worker called me a "kinky bitch" while I was applying lipstick... okay?? All in all, I love the clean, simple scent, and I will be buying a big bottle in the near future.