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BPAL Madness!


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About snapesbabe

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 12/27/1977


  • Location
    Yorkshire, UK
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • eBay
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  • BPAL of the Day
    Tiki King
  • Favorite Scents
    Monster Bait: Underbed

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Sci-fi/Horror, my daughter, my doggies and my snakes, books (I love the smell of books), music, my lovely fiance
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    Um... I like the constellation of Orion very much? * doesn't get why this is different from the zodiac things below *
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. snapesbabe

    Monster Bait: Closet

    Jam roly-poly and custard!
  2. snapesbabe

    Black Pearl

    Like the advert says: Smells just like Malibu, and therefore has the association of a Caribbean evening on the lash for me. As such, Black Pearl always makes me smile
  3. snapesbabe


    In the bottle, I was unsure, but knowing how BPAL scents can morph on me, I put it on anyway... It disappeared almost completely, and the little bit that did linger was... fresh sweat? Not stale BO stink, but fresh from exercising, hot, tired and pumped with endorphins sweat. One for the swap pile, sadly.
  4. snapesbabe

    La Befana

    Treacle toffee and parma violets, with something a little boozy in the background. Dark rum? This has shot straight into my love list. YAY for forum swappers!
  5. snapesbabe

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    Cocoa completely disappears in short order, and this becomes very very male on me; luckily, it's our anniversary soon, so I can give it to the other half for an anniversary present
  6. snapesbabe


    Oh, this is terrible. I LOVE the smell of inferno. Love it, love it, love it. It's just such a shame that it makes huge burnng red welts come up on my skin
  7. snapesbabe

    De Sade

    Hot sweaty leather with overtones of smoke. It smells like the gimp mask of a heavy smoker. Really, really, really NOT me. Might try it on the boy, but as he's vegetarian he might not take to the smell...
  8. snapesbabe


    Eccles Cakes. Or maybe my dad's home-made mince pies. Rich, sweet, butter-pastry comfort food. I think it's possible Cockaigne may be my favourite oil; it's certainly in the top ten. And it lasts FOREVER.
  9. snapesbabe

    Beaver Moon 2007

    Cherry Garcia ice cream. I can't eat it because it's got chocolate in, but this is what it smells like.
  10. snapesbabe

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    The first sniff of this was really artificial and disappointing; I needn't have worried. After a few minutes it settles down to rich cherry and vanilla in almost equal amounts, with a dusting of powdered sugar on the top. The powdered sugar really does come through and is really evocative. Am going to have to obtain a bottle of this, somehow.
  11. snapesbabe

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I vote glass wand! But there are lots of other great suggestions in this thread
  12. snapesbabe

    Gainful Employment

    I ordered this at the beginning of the year when I was really unhappy in my old job. I made a mojo bag for myself lit by a green candle (sewing by candlelight is FUN LOL) and with various herbs and talismans in it, and then anointed it with the oil. Used it with the intent of getting a specific job; didn't get it, but got lots of other (serious) offers within a couple of days of using the oil; I am now in the happiest job I have ever had. The pay's not great, but I'm happy and that's what counts. Oddly, the talismans I used that were specific to the job I was going for have turned out to be applicable to the job I ended up getting. Just for context, I'm not a believer in any God(desse)s, but I do believe in the power of ritual to affect one's own attitude, and of aromas to affect the mood of anyone who can smell them. Oh, and the smell? Clean, spicy... reminds me of my friend Sandeep's mum's kitchen.
  13. snapesbabe

    Mr. Nancy

    IAWTC leik whoa! I'm not sure that I will wear this a huge amount myself, but any man wearing it anywhere near me is NOT SAFE. In fact, I foolishly wore it outside the house tonight, and any man near me when *I'M* wearing it is NOT SAFE. I love it, I love it, I love it. It changes every sniff. Sometimes the lime is on top, sometimes the rum, then a waft of smoke wafts over you, and then something like ginger biscuits, and then muscovado sugar, and then back to the lime. It's amazing. I think Monsterbait: Underbed has finally been toppled from his top spot.
  14. snapesbabe


    Lavender, Jasmine... lilies? It's not something I would EVER wear as perfume, but it put me to sleep like nobody's business. Also, I have been struggling with a particular writing project for almost a month. When I woke this morning it was fully formed in my head and all I had to do was spew it forth onto the page. Also also, this is the first morning in a week when I haven't woken with a headache. As a perfume? Ugh, not for me. As a sleep aid? I am going to go through BOTTLES of this stuff.
  15. snapesbabe


    I, too, had an moment when I first applied Shub and it went through the very lemony phase. There was an unfortunate undercurrent of vomit (which I also got with Shango). However, I'm glad I didn't go to the bathroom and wash it off, because once it dried it magically transformed to gingersnap biscuits. I'll just have to hold my nose for ten minutes after I put it on, I guess.