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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by stardroptea

  1. stardroptea


    My mother said it smelled like peppermint, which I thought was odd because I don't smell that at all. It's a sharp cold scent, but spicy and really sophisticated. It's lovely. Evergreen and lemon verbena.
  2. stardroptea


    In the bottle: It's a sexy sort of fruit. It's the peach wine and musk and I have no idea why I haven't tried it sooner. Wet on skin: Sharper than the bottle but still peachy and delicious. Dry: It's everything I wanted in Imp but couldn't find. It's peach with avengence and the amber warms it up considerably. I would wear it as a night scent in winter, and a day scent in Spring. I will be purchasing a bottle of this, most assuredly. It smells like a good memory.
  3. stardroptea


    In the bottle: I just smell soapy foamy lavender. It's made me slightly afraid to try it, because I'm not a fan of lavender, relly. Wet on skin: It smells salty. Salty! Like, table salt tequila shot salty, without the promise of tequila on the other side. Not at all attractive on me. Drydown: Hang on! Here's the black currant! Also, the ozone sharpness comes out. Dry: It's... it's delicious! It smells so good! Like resin, and currant, and a tinge of white musk! I love it. Lurid really is sensational! It starts off a dirty undertone, but when it hits its peak it sparkles like everything you could want to obsess over.
  4. stardroptea

    White Rabbit

    In the Bottle: I really smell the ginger, and the linen scent. I don't really smell the tea, at all, or the milk. Wet on skin: I smell the pepper! And the honey! Drydown: Still no tea, mostly ginger-pepper (picked a pack of... gah) with maybe a trace of honey every other whiff. It's very light on me, after a minute or two, no matter how much I slather on. Dry on skin: Ahh, there's the tea. Much, much better! Still very faint, and not really at all agressive, but it's there, and it's made the whole scent change to 'Oh! Yes!' from, well, not 'Oh! Yes!' It isn't my favorite among all favorites, but I can see myself reaching for it with a certain regularity for daily occasions.
  5. stardroptea


    In the Bottle: I can smell the buttercream and a spike of almond. It's got a bite to it. Wet on skin: Very much the rum, all of a sudden. The rum certainly isn't gone, here, savvy? Drydown: Spicy, a tad candleish, but I smell like pecan pie. I like it! I hope this softens up a bit while I'm in class or they're going to think I'm a wino. It's delicious!
  6. stardroptea


    In the bottle: Sweet, juicy ripeness! It's almost intoxicating. The plum and the amaretto are there and they're pleased to be there. Wet on skin: I've never smelt anything half so amazing as I do when I have wet Bordello oil on my skin. It's plum, and sex, and good things. Dry: Spicier, I can smell the wine, and the currant now, but the plum and amaretto are still holding up the sky in the background. It's fabulous. I love it. It smells like everything I thought it would and more. I'm in love.
  7. stardroptea


    Oh, this i s the first scent I've tried from my first lab order. Also, the first scent I knew I had to have. I bought 5mls unsniffed, I was that sure. In the bottle: cinnamon and myrrh in a large and in charge sort of way. Wet on skin: I started out a little worried, the cinnamon blended with the copal in a way that made me think, I smell like candle wax. Drydown: The candle bit went away! It's spicy and the honeysuckle is a little sharp, but I like it. Dry later: Oh god, it smells like cookies! It smells like cinnamon cookies! It just makes me feel warm and sort of sassy. I love it. I LOVE IT! I have a choir rehersal for It's A Wonderful Life tonight, and I'm wearing it, because it makes me feel like festive.
  8. stardroptea


    In the Imp: Mostly musky, it smells sharp to me, kind of spicy. I was hoping for more peach, but I'm strangely drawn to it, and I'm not usually huge on musk. Wet on skin: Peach! Oh, hello fruity goodness! It's still spicy, and I can smell the patchouli, but it's all wrapped in a soft, warm, peachy hug! Dry on skin: I fell asleep after I put this on, because I did so after my bath at 1:30 am. By seven, the peach hadn't faded, but the amber and must had strengthened at bit. I'm going to wear Imp today, and see how it plays out when I'm actually awake. I really like it, and I was surprised by the Impmusk-love I'm experiencing.
  9. stardroptea


    So, Syzygy is a wonderful person and sent me a handful of imps to try. Bathsheba was at the top of my list. It is also the first BPAL scent I've ever worn. I've never done this before, so please tell me if this is the wrong format. In the Imp: Strong, strong carnation, and just a hint of sour something, but not in a bad way. Not my usual choice and not what I expected, but intriguing. Sharpish. Wet on Skin: Very carnation, floral, but mean floral, the kind that can beat up other flowers and steal their pollen money. I can't smell the plum really, but the musk is dancing happily in the background. Dry on skin: My roommate pegged it best when she said it was 'an evening scent.' It's very pretty, not very me, but very pretty. I smell the carnations most, and while they used to be my favorite flower... Later: It smells warm now, like contentment. Still flowery, but the plum is subtley there. I like it but I don't think I'll be buying the 5ml. I had my other roommate try it, and it smells much better on her. She's already stolen the magic imp. Hurrah for the first scent!