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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by reenie212

  1. reenie212

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    I emailed answers@blackphoenix last night, since I accidently sent paypal with the wrong address, and without stating which bottles I wanted. Bill just sent me back a response about a half hour ago, so those emails are definitely getting checked.
  2. reenie212

    Katrina van Tassel

    Hrm. This is definitely a white rose, with lots of green undertones on me. I'm not getting any cream from it. Unfortunately the rose is super amping on me. I think I'll have to pass this on to a new home. I was so hoping it would work on me!
  3. reenie212

    L'Estate Bath Oil

    Oooh, this is yummy! I just tried this in the shower, slathering it on after I shaved my legs. I smell all warm and summery now! It is definitely a golden, warm, comforting scent. I feel like I'm wrapped up in a little ray of sunshine, which is something I really need now. I keep getting whiffs of peach and amber wafting up around me. I am totally in love! And now I'm off to try the perfume.
  4. reenie212

    Marshmallow Poof

    Mmmm, this is yummy! I'm so glad I managed to find a decant! On me, it smells exactly like a toasted marshmellow. I get a warm, sugary vanilla feel from it. It's absolutely delicious!
  5. reenie212

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    Oooh, yay! I'm so excited the goblins decided I deserved this scent! In the bottle: This smells exactly like a caramel apple! It smells heavily of caramel in the bottle, with just a hint of apple lingering underneath. First impression on skin: Apple, apple, apple! This smells very brightly of apples at first. After a few minutes: The caramel begins to come out more strongly, mingling with the apple. Smells incredibly yummy, and has a great throw! I only put one dot from the lid on my skin, and now I can smell it all around me. A keeper for sure!
  6. reenie212


    I was a little afraid to put this on my skin after smelling it in the imp. The lavender was incredibly sharp, and a bit scary smelling. However, once on my skin, it morphed in to a cool, crisp, lavender, which I quite like. I think this might a good bedtime scent. I also find it reminiscent of Bat-Woman (which I really should wear more often!). For now, I think I'll stick with the imp, but I may upgrade to a bottle in the future.
  7. reenie212

    The Witch Queen

    This is a very musky, muted floral on me. I can definitely smell the calla lilly (love!) and heliotrope, although there is no sign of the plum so far. This is a beautiful scent, and I think I will be upgrading to a bottle.
  8. reenie212

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    I was really looking forward to this scent, since I absolutely love mermaids, and I wasn't disapointed! This is the first aquatic blend that has worked on me. Thalassa is wonderfully clean smelling on me. It does seem to be a bit soapy, but I like soapy (makes me feel clean!), so that is not a problem for me. Very refreshing scent! I think this will be perfect for the summer, when I'm feeling all sweaty and gross. I've added this to my bottle wishlist!
  9. reenie212


    Oooh, this is absolutely gorgeous! Very sweet and fruity! It makes me feel pretty, even as I sit here in my pajamas. I'm definitely upgrading this to a bottle!
  10. reenie212

    The Perfumed Garden

    Ugh, I was looking forward to this, since I love jasmine. But here, the jasmine totally died on my skin. I smell like nasty nail polish remover.
  11. reenie212


    Here are some of the things I like at etsy: MINT LUSTRE glass and swarovski earrings. I really love the mint green color! Bohemian Hammered Copper Earrings I'm a big fan of hammered copper, and these earrings are stunning! black, gold and pearl necklace This necklace is gorgeous! SALE-Delicate Heart Necklace I really love this gold filled heart locket. Goldstone w/ mini-heart 3/4 inch earrings. Oooh, these look super sparkly and pretty! Golden labradorite and citrine, herringbone weave 14K goldfill earrings. Wow, these are gorgeous! I love the vintage feel. Yasmeen I absolutely love these hoops, although they are way out of my price range. Verdigris Swaying Leaves I love leaves! brilliant tree pendant I love trees too. Luminous Egyptian Pyramids VINTAGE CZECH GLASS EARRINGS I love emeralds (even fake ones!)! Don't feel confined by this list! These are just some examples of the type of thing I like. If you make jewelry/knit/paint/make pottery/take photographs/etc., I'd love to have it!
  12. reenie212

    If you knew me at all...

    You'd know that... *I hate the sound of tinfoil being crumpled *I love cats *I hate the smell of roasted nuts carts *I love eating cookie dough. I always have to make extra, so that I have enough left to actually make cookies. magtongue.gif *I hate silver jewelry, but love gold jewelry. *I'm a huge cuddle slut, and I love curling up and snuggling with people I love. *I hate almost all forms of peanut butter. The only kind of peanut butter product I can eat is Reese's peanut butter cups. *I hate people who have no backbone, and don't stand up for themselves or their beliefs *I hate helicopter parents, who constantly badger their kids, and don't let their kids make their own mistakes and decsions *I love pumpkin (baked goods, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin chocolate, pumpkin body wash/soap, etc.)
  13. reenie212

    Layers of Me

    LAYER ONE: -- Name: Maureen -- Birth date: Oct 3 -- Height: 5'9 -- Righty or Lefty: righty -- Zodiac Sign: Libra! LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: Irish & German -- The shoes you wore today: Brown & Ivory Adidas -- Your weakness: indulging lots of chocolate -- Your fears: That people will abandon me. That I'll never graduate. That I'll fail at life -- Your perfect pizza: Fresh mozzarella and basil! -- Goal you'd like to achieve: Becoming a super successful social worker, and help remove children from abusive environments LAYER THREE: -- Your thoughts first waking up: I want more sleep! -- Your best physical feature: legs and hair -- Your most missed memory: All those crazy drunken nights with friends in highschool LAYER FOUR: --- What instruments can you play? none. I'm super musically challenged. Although, I love playing the hand bells, but that doesn't particularly take much skill --- Are you ticklish? yes --- Are you shy? I'm super shy when I fist meet people. I'm much more outgoing around my trusted circle of friends though --- Are you a morning person? Not at all. I'm totally a night person LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: I don't smoke cigarettes, although I smoke cloves occasionally. I'm a huge hookah (shisha) addict though -- Cuss: Ugh, I hate the word "cuss". I curse! -- Sing: Not in public, and not for other people, but I occasionally sing in private for myself -- Do you think you've been in love: Yes. -- Like(d) high school: I did actually. I went to two different highschools (transfered for junior/senior year), and I have a great group of friends from both schools that I still cherish to this day. -- Want to get married: I do -- Believe in yourself: Eh, it depends on the day. I'm working on it -- Get along with your parent(s): I get along fabulously with my mother. My father is a huge abusive asshole, and I hate him. -- Like thunderstorms: Yes. LAYER SIX: -- What do you want to be when you grow up? a social worker/therapist. I just want to be loved and to love and be happy in general. -- What country would you most like to visit? Ireland, Mexico, Scotland, Greece, Switzerland, Germany. Oops, that was was more than 1. magtongue.gif I love traveling, I desperately want to travel more. LAYER SEVEN: -- Number of CDs that I own: A whole bunch, although they mainly exist on my ipod these days. -- Number of piercings: Two holes in each ear, and a closed up belly button hole, and a cartilege piercing. -- Number of tattoos: 0 -- Number of scars on my body: 4 surgical scars on my stomach from a shunt installation and a gall bladder surgery. Multiple scars on my head from cracking my head open 3 times, and having 4 brain surgeries. Scar on my knee from falling while running in a cross country meet. LAYER EIGHT -- What crafts do you do? Photography. I would love to learn how to knit though -- Number of languages you speak: I speak english fluently, and I have a beginner's grasp on Spanish, although I'm trying to become fluent in that as well. -- Number of books you read in a year: A bunch I don't really keep track. LAYER NINE: --What's your favorite season? Fall --Who's your favorite figure in History? Henry the 8th --Hair Color? Auburn red. I have the prettiest hair ever. My mom has forbid me from dying it ever, since so many people would kill to have my hair color
  14. reenie212

    The Ecstasy of Passion

    I was so excited to receive this scent, as this was the one I was really hoping for. And I definitely was not disappointed! I can't really distinguish individual notes in the bottle, but on my skin it turns wonderfully musky and spicy. The cloves really stand out. I can't stop sniffing my wrist! I agree with shelldoo - It really does remind me of clove cigarettes, which I love. I'm so glad I sunmitted to the Inquisition! I think this could easily become a favorite oil of mine.
  15. reenie212


    Oooh, I was frimped with this in my latest order. It almost got thrown into the swap pile, since it smells horrid while in the imp. However, I dabbed a bit on to my wrist, and it smells wonderful! I'm getting mostly vanilla and ginger, with a hint of jasmine. So far I can't detect the apricot at all. I think I may actually have to add a bottle of this to my wishlist! This is a wonderful scent, with great throw.
  16. reenie212

    Are there plans for a BPAL gift registry?

    I think you're out of luck. Could you set up a P.O box somewhere for your mail?
  17. reenie212

    Devil's Night

    I was so looking foward to trying this, because I love autumn bonfires. Unfortunately Devil's Night '06 just smells very burnt and scorched on me. *adds to the swap/sell pile*
  18. reenie212

    Help with Jasmine scents, please!

    I second the Bat Woman suggestion! It's one of my favorite scents at the moment.