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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by stellaforstar

  1. stellaforstar

    Crypt Queen

    This is it. This is the scent I was looking for when I started looking for the perfect scent and happened upon BPAL. I am not good at picking out notes, but I can say that I DON'T get much of a fruity, juicy nose to this one. I smell it a little in the bottle, but on my skin it skids to the perfect combination of all elements. It is sexy in a dry way, in a walking through the cemetery on a cold Autumn night when you might shouldn't be there kind of way. It does seem similar to Madame Moriarty, but to me Madame is wet and lush and sexy; this is dry and deep and sexy. Something about it reminds me quite a bit of the Brides of Dracula, but with a twist...The coffin is a pretty fitting reminder to me that someone will have to pry this bottle out of my cold dead hands in order to take it from me. Figures this scent is likely to be impossible to find without paying a million dollars for it, because I am in love with it. Edited to say: wah...the label on my bottle is ripped! Crunched up. I was so excited to smell it I didn't examine the bottle until now.
  2. stellaforstar

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    Oh sweet angry groundhog, why do you burn my skin with your enraged passion? Everything about you is soooo beautiful, but you take your anger out on my skin and I do not stand for that kind of abuse. I will have to pass you on. Goodbye, fuzzy enigma.
  3. stellaforstar

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Smelling this, wearing this, is heaven. And I am not sure why, because Snake Oil HATES me. Red musk--despises me. Vanilla--detests me. I mean, I wear those notes, I get migraines. Yet, all together, with the other notes, this is heaven. This blend reminds me of my grandmother's home, which would be all sorts of wrong except grandma Crystal was totally clairvoyant, mysitcal and wonderful. She invited maybe two hundred people, many off the streets, for her meals at the holidays, even though she lived in a tiny little house. It is, in fact, the house and Crystal's spirit that Mme. Moriarty evoke for me. And in spite of this association, when I wear it, I feel like a seductive minx! No Freudian interpretations, please!
  4. stellaforstar

    Trick #1

    Magnolia. Magnolia. In the bottle. Wet. Dry. Headaches follow. My first inquisition, and I love my t-shirt. It is "that time," so I will try it again in a few days. But right now, it reminds me too much of the years I spent telling Mom that her favorite perfume, Beautiful, made me feel physically ill. It seems very much the same, Trick Number One. I am sure it is amazing on some people, but on me...not so much. A very traditional perfume smell on me. Ah, well. The first 5 ml that hasn't done it for me! It is better on me these days, and when I wear it, people notice. It still starts pretty floral on me, but it lasts for hours and as time wears on, something happens and it becomes downright sexy. ETA: last blurb, post-"time of the month"
  5. stellaforstar

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    I really can only review based on what I feel or see or intuit when I put on these scents--I am no good yet at picking out notes. The Misfortune Teller is woodsy and earthy and sweet and sexy, all balanced perfectly. I wear her and feel at one with my body, at one with my soul, at one with my path in life. She is deep and complex--no simplicity here! Her power lasts almost all day--from 8 am until around 5; she fades and morphs and becomes many things, but at core she is strong and of the earth. My kinda woman.
  6. stellaforstar


    My very first review. My nose isn't very good at discerning different scents, so I tend to go with the scene a blend evokes. I am an actress, and I like to wear different oils for different characters, scenes and feelings. Why not? Here we go: Smells like having a picnic complete with a bouquet of flowers, sitting on a freshly washed blanket in the middle of a pear grove on a late afternoon in the middle of summer in the south of France. Fresh, crisp and clean. I really like this one. Seems to have a hint of coconut in there somewhere. (It doesn’t, but there is that coco milk scent to it.) On dry down: This might be going all nail-polish like during the dry down. Ten minutes later. Nope. It is just more yummy goodness. Edited for spelling issues.