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Everything posted by mudpuppy

  1. mudpuppy

    The Ecstasy of Infatuation

    I think this is one of my first reviews In the bottle: umm... grapefruit and lemon is all I get at first whiff. I think I also smell a bit of the white musk maybe? I'm not so great at individual notes, but its one of those scents that grabs your attention from the get go. On me: still grapefruit and lemon verbana, but I can smell the floral from the plumeria coming through and it starts to sweeten up. I can't really smell the black cherry yet, but there is a bit of sweet, so maybe that's it? Drydown: The sharpness of the grapefruit subsides a bit and lets the other notes come through. A few minutes later the ginger definitely pokes its little head out to say HI! I'm also getting some of the cherry now, which softens the grapefruit & lemon. It's a combination of sweet & tart, with a wee bit of spice and floral.
  2. mudpuppy

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    My first review! In Bottle: sweet chocolate vanilla...with a bit of a floral undertone. I can smell a bit of the lavender, but it really goes to the background. yumm! I was really looking forward to this scent! Wet on Skin: I still smell a little chocolate but the floral/perfumey undertones are coming out much more strongly. I can really smell the rose on me. ack!! On Drydown: Rose, rose and more rose... *sigh* This smelled so chocolately sweet in the bottle, but turned all rose and lavender floral with my body chemistry. Alas, 13 is not for me. I like rose, but this was just too overpowering for me. I'm also starting to get the impression that my body does not like rose of any flavor. I think this is the fourth scent I've tried that has even the tiniest bit of rose in it and my chemistry just amps that like crazy. Who knew I was allergic to roses