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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by opiumt

  1. opiumt

    Snake Oil

    Of my 7 original imps, this one is in heavy rotation . Warm sweet, seductive.....appetizing. Drippingly delicious, spicy and musky. Stays on well, but I keep wanting to put moreon thru the day due to the addictive nature of this scent. If I smelled this on a person, I would want to nibble them...
  2. opiumt

    Black Phoenix

    This is one of my favorites of my first imp order. I can smell the cherry-almond note upon opening the bottle...something powdery and faded...then something sharper behind it, with a sweet dark finish...vanilla? Wears amazingly long and in the summer heat sweeps me away. Can't stop sniffing myself. Other ladies notice and commented favorably on the scent. No t a delicate or fragile scent... Va va voom!