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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Rouge

  1. Gypsy Queen sounds delicious. I've never tried that one. I'll definitely keep it in mind for future performances, but I doubt I'll be able to find an imp of it by Friday. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. Good thinking; it would probably be best to wear something a little different from my usual rotation of scents. Another late entry to the short-list is Mama-ji. It's certainly powerful and attention-grabbing enough.
  3. Hello ladies, especially those of the shimmying persuasion. On Friday night I'm narrating a dance show based around different goddess legends, and I think I'm going to want to wear a perfume that's powerful and exotic. Would anyone like to help me choose? My costume is a dark red ankle length caftan, a black hip scarf with gold coins and a glittery accents of gold, red and green, and a dark red turban with gold embroidery. It's a sort of Bedouin look. I'll probably wear heavy black kohl eyeliner as well. Here's what I've narrowed the list down to, but new suggestions are very welcome as well: Al-Shairan - fabulously spicy and Arabian, but perhaps a little aggressive? Queen of Sheba - This always makes me feel good when I wear it. Bengal - I love the honey and the peppers, but is an Indian scent right for a Middle-Eastern style costume? Oya - since dark red is one of her sacred colours, and I could certainly do with the power and presence she gives, since this is the first time I've been on stage in years. Madame Moriarty - For some reason this always seems like a "red" scent to me. Silk Road - Beautifully spicy and exotic, and probably my signature scent. Snake Oil - I love love love Snake Oil. But is it a bit too sexual? Bien Loin D'Ici - The incense notes are just wonderful, and it smells very Arabian to me. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  4. Rouge

    Machu Picchu

    This imp was a lovely freebie from the very generous Lab. :-) In the vial - Sweet, fresh and very green. It smells just like a forest full of tropical flowers after a violent rainstorm, with water dripping off the leaves and the pulpy, rich fruits. Wet on the skin - On my skin this is predominantly a green scent, and it's an incredibly lively one - it smells like leaves which haave just broken under the weight of water and are oozing sap. Next stages - As the blend begins to warm on the skin, it opens like a flower, allowing a sweet richness to join the green top notes. Zingy, bright citrus notes follow, along with lush, sweet florals. Dry down - From time to time I smell a whiff of coconut but that's not on the note list, so that's slightly confusing! Over time the scent settles into a sweet and comforting blend that retains some of the fruit notes mentioned earlier. I shall be wearing this when I need to wake up at work! Similar scents - It shres a certain juicy green quality with Tenochtitlan, and the bright citrus notes of Night Gaunt.
  5. Rouge

    Lady MacBeth

    In the vial - thick and sweet; almost deceptively welcoming. There's an incongruous bubblegum note here as well. Fortunately I like bubblegum. Wet on the skin - Delicious, but still bubblegum! In less than a minute, though, a tangy herbal note emerges. Next stages - Lady Macbeth is another morpher, much ike the character in the Scottish Play. On the surface she's a charming and welcoming hostess, but once the guests have left the table she stalks into the shadows and begins to brood and plot silently. The herbal note perfectly evokes the rushes and herbs that would have been spread on the floor of a medieval feasting hall while the rich, sticky red fruit notes put me in mind of a heavy and ornate court gown in shades of blood-red. Dry down - The final stage of this blend on my skin is unfortunately a little sour, but since I tend to reapply quite often that's no great problem. Perhaps aging will mellow the wine note a little. Similar scents - Blood Countess, Eris, Oya
  6. Rouge


    In the vial - Rich, buttery caramel with an undertone of hazelnut. It's delicious! Wet on the skin - Not quite as sweet or buttery as in the imp, but it's nevertheles still rich with a nutty and hoppy tone to it. The praline gives a lovely grounding tone, and it's not too sweet. Next stages - Dark and luscious. While the dark chocolate never quite comes to the foreground, it lingers very satisfyingly for a while before melting back into the nutty and caramelly background. Dry down - When the caramel and toffee notes finally settle, they become toasted and contented. This is a vey comforting scent; in puts me in mind of a big fat cat curling up on my lap to be stroked, purring loudly. This is going to be an ideal scent to wear on cold rainy evenings. Similar scents - Hellcat, Cockaigne
  7. Rouge


    In the vial - Honeydew and cantaloupe melon surrounded by warm and soft notes, including a floral I can't quite identify. Wet on the skin - Although the melon notes are deliciously juicy and lavish, there's something faintly sour in this blend that emerges on the skin. Hopefully it'll disappear in time. Next stages - What an incredibly quick morpher! Within the space of a minute, a salty and ozonic note has crested atop the fruit. It's very oceanic and is very atmospheric and evocative of this Orsiha and her associations. Dry down - The aquatic notes soon settle into the background once again and the blend softens to a sweet, syrupy concoction of melon and green grape. I think this one would be lovely as a room scent too. Similar scents - Yemaya reminds me almost of a tropical version of Titania, with all the lovely fruit notes but lacking the frosted quality of the fairy queen's scent.
  8. Rouge

    Dragon's Reverie

    In the vial - Deliciously smoky and spicy. It reminds me a little of Blood Amber, for some reason - I suspect it's the shared amber note. Wet on the skin - A peppery and rich scent with an undertone of sweetness. The dragon's blood is forceful and rich, but not overly so. The opium adds a languid and soft overlay. Next stage - The sweetness disappears quickly, leaving a smoky and resinous scent that has a feeling of great power and majesty. Dry down - After about 20 minutes the amber note begins to develop more fully into deep, incense-like tones, but flashes of the earlier sweetness begin to reappear, along with the syrupy scent of ylang ylang. To sum up - A wonderful scent for autumn; confident, smoky and languid. Similar blends - Blood Amber, Ladon.
  9. Rouge


    In the vial there are roses and spices combining to form a deep, rich scent that isn't too sweet. My skin chemistry tends to amp many kinds of rose and turn them rather cloying, so I'm glad there's a dryer feel to this scent! Initial appplication - A sombre, well rounded scent full of gravitas and dignity. The musks and spices dominate. Development - This scent lingers close to the skin; it's exotic but unobtrusive. The rose note is clearly identifiable but stays well in the background, allowing itself to be blanketed by the dry, deep spices. Dry down - This blend doesn't have as much staying power as some others, but it's warm and soft and very regal in an understated manner. An hour into wear it's faded to a soft, dark musk. If you like this, try - Jezebel, Seraglio; both rose-and-spice scents but much stronger, with greater throw.
  10. Rouge

    Port Royal

    Aquatics and I don't normally get along, but Port Royal sounded so wonderfully piratical that I had to try it! In the vial - I definitely smell salt, rum and ... is that a hint of my beloved and coquettish Penny Dreadful? Wet on the skin - Salt, spices and warm woods. I think I was right about the Penny Dreadful. There's definitely the thick, rich, chocolatey notes of my favourite "Dickensian harlot" scent in here. Dry down - As the first notes of Port Royal warm on the skin, I'm struck by a terrible note of foreboding. Is there leather in this blend? I do hope not. (Some time later) Luckily my fears were unfounded. As the "prostitute's perfume" fades into the distance and the scent heads out to sea, the woody notes take over, along with the rich rum scent I recognise from Port-Au-Prince. Hoist the colours and prepare to fire the cannons in salute - this is the perfect oceanic blend.
  11. Rouge


    I love honey and fig, so I've been looking forwards to trying this blend for a long time. In the vial - Honey and fierce, thick patchouli. It certainly brings to mind a strong, independent woman adept in using her wiles to seduce and ensnare her clients! Wet on the skin - For some reason, I'm getting a very elemental vibe to this oil; there's an overwhelming feeling of earth and fire. Again, patchouli is the strongest note but the honey and the warm fig note lend a certain softness that keeps it from being overpowering. Some people may find this blend a little harsh when fresh from the lab, but I have no doubt that the oil will mature and mellow as it ages. Dry down - Ahhh. That's better. After the passionate heat of the first few minutes in the hetairae's chamber, she stretches out almost languidly and becomes slow and sensual. This blend develops over time into a rich thick scent dripping with honey, spices, and a slow curl of incense smoke. To sum up; fierce, passionate and extremely sexy.
  12. Rouge


    I have a very Shakesperian theme to the freebies in my most recent order. I haven't had much luck with this sub-category so far, so let's hope the fairy king can enchant me! In the vial - Strong orchid, with a hint of something lemony. It's quite otherworldy. Wet on the skin- Again the orchid takes centre stage, but it's softened in a gentle cloud of musk. I fear it may be a little masculine for me. Dry down - A few minutes into wear the orchid is giving me a bit of a headache, and I'm going to have to wash it off. Ill met by moonlight, I'm afraid.
  13. Rouge

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    First off, what lovely artwork on the pitch card and the label! I'm slowly building up a Carnaval Diabolique-themed collage, and Theodosius is taking pride of place there in all his saturnine glory. In the bottle - Very highly reminiscent of Dorian, which isn't surprising given the dedication of both scents to our beloved Puddin'! Theodosius has less of the youthful lemon/bergamot note of the GC scent, however, and more of the glimmering white musk. Wet on the skin - Elegant beyond words, and more than a little androgynous. The vanilla is warm and sensual, but it's kept from being an edible scent by the dryness of the tea note. Dry down - Is it strange to describe a scent as being almost luminous? I get a feeling of shimmering pale greys and whites from the later notes of this perfume; it's the olfactory equivlent of silver watered silk or a black pearl necklace. The musks are soft and smooth, never animalistic, while the tea note and the fougere combine to create an almost ghostly overlay of notes. Theodosius is a soft and urbane scent, and although it fades quickly and has very little throw, it's certainly going to become a favourite.
  14. Rouge

    BPAL blends that remind us of Chanel perfumes

    Oh, I love Chanel No. 5, but I understand it's not for everyone. I think Ozymandias is incredibly similar to Chanel, and Antique Lace is like a creamier, softer version of it. You might want to avoid those two.
  15. Rouge

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    What nationality is she? If she's American - especially if she's from the South - I would definitely suggest Hell's Belle. To me it's the smell of a poisonously attractive southern belle whow knows just how to turn on the charm to get what she wants; an evil Scarlett O'Hara! If she's English I'd say Penny Dreadful would be perfect. I used to play a vain, materialistic thief and con artist from the East End who was a ruthless social climber in an online game, and I always considered Penny Dreadful to be her scent. It's brazen and forthright but at the same time, somehow shadowy. It always makes me think of Dickensian alleyways, low cut dresses and seedy demi-monde glamour.
  16. Rouge

    Fire Pig

    *sings, with apologies to The Simpsons* "Fire Pig, Fire Pig, does whatever a fire pig does. Does she swing from a web? No she can't, 'cause she's a pig. Look ouuuuuuut, she is a fire pig!" As you might surmise, this is a very happy, optimistic and bright blend. In the vial - Beautifully sunny and fruity. I smell the lychee note quite plainly. Wet on the skin - Although the fruit notes are still noticeable, the florals give a sharp edge at first before they settle down into the lovely, light veil of scent. Dry down - Fire pig fades quickly, leaving behind a barely-noticeable waft of light flowers and a hint of a woody note, which I presume is the bamboo. I love the Lab's Asian blends, and this one is going to become a favourite for summer. As other reviewers have said, it's similar to the delicious Hungry Ghost Moon, but is a great deal lighter and less sticky-sweet.
  17. Rouge

    Monster Bait: Closet

    This is the first of the legendary Monster Baits I've tried, having received a generous sniffie in a swap. In the vial - Simply delicious. Warm, thick blackberry over rich cake notes I recognise from Cockaigne. While I find the Wanderlust blend is very harsh at first and needs time to mellow on the skin, Monster Bait is lavish and soft from the very first sniff. Wet on the skin - I have cake cravings now, and my mouth is quite literally watering. The blackberry is juicy and ripe and the cake note as rich and luscious as I could ever imagine. There's no hint of the frosting note yet; that may be a good thing as the BPAL milk note sometimes goes rather metallic on my skin. Dry down - The bourbon, which was faint at first, lends a tang and a kick to the scent as the berry notes start to settle. The cake notes continue to be round and deep, but not overpowering. Here's hoping the blend makes a return with the next round of monsters to come creeping out of the Lab's closets!
  18. Rouge


    Amber, tea, cardamom and cinnamon. And kitties. Some of my favourite things in the world. If this blend doesn't work for me I shall cry. In the vial - This blend is the type of cat that strikes terror into all small animals in a ten mile radius, and requires tranquiliser darts before being brushed or given medicine. At first introduction it's sharp, musky and forthright. Wet on the skin - Dark, strong spiced orange tea with heavy musk. This is not a cat who'll curl up on your lap and consent to be stroked until it's good and ready - and even then it'll demand you give it most of the sofa, trample up and down over you for a while, sit on the book you're reading and demand your full attention while you're paying it its due and proper worship. Dry down - Once the demon kitty has been fed, watered and adored to its satisfaction, it settles down for a good long snooze, at which point it consents to gift its human with the delicious warm spices of Silk Road, and the musk turns sensual and faintly drowsy. There's still a feral edge as the cinnamon makes its presence felt. Don't be fooled by the fact the cat looks so warm and fluffy as it drifts off to sleep - disturb it, and those claws are coming out again.
  19. Rouge

    Red Lantern

    This is a scent that makes me want to throw on a cheongsam and go wandering through the back streets singing "The Year of the Cat". In the vial - Incredibly rich and complex. I smell almost all of the major notes, with caramel, tobacco and blackcurrant taking precedence. The delphinium and spice flit gently around the edges of the scent, almost like the perfume of one of the infamous Shanghai "flower girls" themselves; it's like a beautiful woman in a red silk wrapper, half hidden in the shadows. Wet on the skin - Warm and woody, shrouded in tobacco smoke and rich, deep incense. The blackcurrant note is unexpected but very noticeable. Lazy, warm and sensual. Dry down - The patrons of the Red Lantern evidently like their cigars; tobacco becomes very prevalent after a few minutes but it's a rich, sweet smoke of an expatriate southern gentleman rather than having any harsh cigarette-like notes. Some time later the caramel and coconut notes edge to the forefront, blending into a rounded and well-balanced scent that has a perfect mixture of sweet and dry notes. Sophisticated and dangerously seductive, The Red Lantern is evidently a high-class establishment full of darkness and beauty, danger and addiction; frequented by crime lords, exiled aristocrats... and me, it would seem.
  20. LOL, I only just realised that the title could be read as something totally different! Damn Roman greetings and their damn spellings. I've just checked out the description of Chintamani-Dhupa; unfortunately I'm not too good with pine bark. Otherwise it sounds lovely!
  21. LOL! Now if only I could find a naked slave with a gold chain around his unmentionables to escort me to the party...
  22. Rouge

    White Rabbit

    This is one of the first of the Mad Tea Party scents I've tried. Being a great lover of tea and honey notes I thought I'd start with the rabbit. In the vial - Sharp, fresh and clean. There's an almost lemony note which I wasn't expecting. Bergamot, perhaps, to go with the earl grey tea? Wet on the skin - BPAL's milk notes often have a faintly metallic note on my skin, but it's not overwhelming. The faint spice of ginger and pepper lends a roundness to the scent that keeps it from being harsh. Dry down - A few minutes into wear the pepper note becomes apaprent, but it's almost elusive, just clinging very faintly to the edges of the scent . It've very, very English - the scent of an old-fashioned gentleman from a sleepy village where cricket is still played on the village green and everything stops for afternoon tea at four pm. I love this scent. It's summery and gentle, and perfect for a warm afternoon. My only criticism is that it's throw is incredibly light and fades quickly. I may try wearig it in a locket to see if I can increase its staying power.
  23. Witch Queen sounds wonderful, doesn't it? I'm intrigued to try something with beeswax in it! I don't have Malice or Horreur Sympathique but they're both already on my wishlist. I've actually tried Nemesis and it wasn't too rosey on me - luckily the fig and ginger toned it down. I'm not that fond of cypress, though. Oh, I think when it comes to posting pictures you'd have to bribe me with some pretty slave boys or maybe a scantily-clad Marc Antony...
  24. Scherezade is lovely but on me it's not quite domineering enough for Atia. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  25. Hi Kraken - oh, she's brilliant, isn't she? I'm firmly on Atia's side in the Atia/Servilia war. My personal favourite of her lines is when she was admonishing a slave: "it would serve you right to be gelded, and I'd do it if eunuchs weren't so unfashionable." You've actually named some of my favourite BPAL blends there, so great choices! I think Bien Loin D'Ici may now be the front runner...