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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Bluebody

  1. Bluebody

    Blue Moon 2007

    I ordered the second Blue Moon. At first I could not smell anything! Cold, maybe. So I put it on..and waited, and waited some more. Then about after a week, I applied it again and this thyme... ....It is subtle and warm.....with a fraquence that is just S-M-O-O-T-H.....like the complexity of The Blue Moon...glad I got it.
  2. Bluebody

    Schwarzer Mond

    This is one the weirdeist scents that I have tried of the bpal collection....at first I hated it! ..but then! Wonders of Wonders I applied once again afore I offered it up for sale.... and this thyme (my spelling of the total illusion that is known as Earth Time) I loved it! Just like The Finer Dinah as in Washington said: "What a Difference a Day Makes"
  3. Bluebody

    Black Moon

    ... ...that about says it all....it is Jasmine! But a nice note that stays all day..with me at least...and does not try to ditch me in the dirt underneath her roots...
  4. Bluebody


    Frimp.....after getting as many 10 ml as I could in all of my favorites....now... alas....no 10 ml of a Frag that I simple HAVE TO HAVE. "People Are Crazy and Thymes Are Strange, I'm Locked in Tight I'm Outta Range...I Used to Care....BUT! EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED"...Dylan 1999
  5. Bluebody


    Love this imp given me by a Great Dragon Lady...... Cinnamon while wet. Dark Patcholi getting dry. ...and then enough of a come on for myself...and no one else...love this even though I be of the Species called Female...ordering a bottle today... miss my 10 ml........
  6. Bluebody

    Dragon Moon 2006

    The Closest Frag to Holiday Moon that I have experienced....which I love cause like I loves Holdiay Moon ...and then a subtle note of Dragons Blood takes over ,...and then leaves like the Moon going behind the Alder Woods....really like this Moon!
  7. Bluebody

    Holiday Moon

    Bamboo pulp and oude with green and white tea. Love It! Have three bottles to date...Green and Wandering....all things of the lighter side of life in a Green Bottle of Woods...