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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Riletto

  1. Riletto

    What BPAL scents could represent a mermaid?

    Cthuhlu sounds like a -perfect- match...thank you! (Reading through Picnic in Arkham, it seems like R'Lyeh would also fit). So Undertow, Cthulhu and R'Lyeh imps for my next order. Thank you guys. I loved how oddly terrifying and un-Christmasy many Yules were last year...but skimmed over Boundless Vista at the time. Regrets!
  2. Riletto

    What BPAL scents could represent a mermaid?

    Could anyone please help me with a recommendation for an "evil mermaid"? Something that screams "beautiful mystical creature luring unsuspecting sailors to a watery grave" or even something a sea hag might wear(aquatic but herbal?). Thank you!
  3. Riletto

    Survival horror!

    I'm beginning to delve into the survival horror gaming genre and am looking for good scent recs! Common elements of survival horror are: -Psychological elements!! -Dismal, eerie, dark. -Isolation or abandonment in a dangerous environment. -Vulnerability -Unpredictability, chaos, uncertainty, constant impending fear. I'd like scents that really dump you into the terrain that you are madly scattering through to save your own life. Blood, the scent of fear, steel, forests, mists, mold and decay, etc as well as things that encourage feelings of unease, isolation, paranoia, etc. Many games involve ghosts or mutations(which may or may not actually exist). In particular I would love matches for Silent Hill(bonus points if non-LE scents!): -Pyramid Head: Bloody, rusty, grimey, something that lasts and follows you? Maybe Gore Shock or something similar? -Fog world: Something ashy, smokey, foggy? -Hospital: I need an evil, run-down abandoned hospital scent! If you were urban exploring into a shut-down hospital, what would you smell? -SH2 in general: I feel like I'm looking for something with almost a moldy/mildewy tinge to it but something sweet or gentle hiding. Perhaps Zombi? Posting the link to the Fantasy Island thread on Silent Hill. I didn't find existing recs(obviously!) but there were good ideas for blends that may have an existing counterpart. http://www.bpal.org/topic/82136-silent-hill/
  4. Riletto

    Survival horror!

    Oh my, what wonderful(horrible!?) suggestions that seem pretty dead on! I don't know where to even start. I wish there were more GC things but hunting can be fun. Thank you for the recs, I have a lot of review threads to peruse.
  5. Bringing this back from the dead because weenie stalking and going through my imps and sniffies. I stumbled across The Burying Ground from the Yules and thought of this thread! It gives me the uncomfortable feeling of standing somewhere I should not be, out in nature tainted by murder and flame from long ago. It makes me feel like a ghostly someone is following and wants to tell me what happened or perhaps that if I listened closely I could still hear the echos of the screaming. Definitely a scent that gives me images and feelings!
  6. Lush is bringing Witches Ball back as a LE item. Anything from BPAL that might match or come close? Peppermint, rosemary, sage, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, clove. Also contains star anise pods and parsley. ETA: really embarassed as I apparently requested help on this one before. Searching for "witch" on the thread revealed no results but searching for "witches" revealed my error just wanted to say sorry and help is appreciated in finding a match.
  7. Is there anything that either smells like or is in the same vein as Witches Ball? Peppermint, rosemary, sage, myrrh, frankincense, benzoin, clove. Not sure how much or little the star anise and parsley play into the scent! Thank you for any help.