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Posts posted by mandragora

  1. Love this scent. This is a less-dirty Snake Oil but has the same sexy feel. Vanilla amber goodness with just whiffs of orange blossoms.


    Khrysee is Snake Oil's younger sister. She's all sexy flirtation and teasing while her older sister is already in the backroom having wild, sweaty sex with some uber-hot guy they just met ;).


    Soo good, can't stop huffing my wrists :D

  2. Initial application: Holy sweet caramel Batman! Rich, sticky, uber-sweet caramel.


    Dry on the skin: Caramel and apple blossoms.


    Further dry: Caramel and wood shavings. :P


    Too sweet and foody for my personal taste, and then the teak further ruined the scent for me. Oh well, more for others right?

  3. Mead moon starts out gingery honey-lemon. Warm, golden spiced honey with just a sliver of lemon. Mmm :P


    As it dries, it slightly turns powdery (as most BPAL honeys tend to do on my skin, I'm looking at you O).


    Further dry, it turns to ... Harikata????? Huh?! Do I have a weird nose or what? Maybe a lighter, sweeter, less perfumey version of Harikata, but Harikata nonetheless. Good thing too, as I like Harikata.


    3.5 out 5 stars.

  4. This is an initial sniff from a leaked bottle review. Haven't used it in a bath/shower yet.


    Initial sniff is amber and peaches. It does remind me a bit of Tamamo-no-mae but not as fruity and a bit deeper. Hints of florals to tease, a dollop of vanilla orchid and honey to sweeten, cardamom to give it some spice and the amber to give it a nice golden warmth.


    A perfect summer day in a bottle. Can't wait to use it in the shower.


    EDIT: Just showered with the bath oil this morning (2 days later). On my skin it is predominantly carnation, slightly sweet and still very much golden. Here it does not smell like Tamamo at all. Like the peach has retreated all the way to the back to let the other notes play. Either way, it is very lovely and the bath oil left my skin feeling baby soft. Layered with the perfume oil :P.

  5. This is a mixed review. I'm undecided whether I like it or not.


    In the bottle, this is reminiscent of Black Moon which I :P. Very sexy and sultry. Perfect for a night out.


    Wet and initial drydown however, ruined this for me. There's this sharp dryer sheets scent that wafts about. I don't smell it if I sniff directly on my skin, however. It's a bit disappointing.


    Later drydown (which is 3 or so hours later) is much better. The dryer sheets scent is gone replaced by a musky nighttime floral scent that is quite elegant.


    I'm torn, the end result is great but I don't know if I can stand the 3-hour wait to get there.

  6. Wet, this is uber-sweet. It's like the vanilla-swirled cream reached out from the bottle and smacked me in the face :P. Dry, it reminds me a bit of Underpants without the dusty note (sandalwood, maybe). The sweetness tapers off on further drydown, making it a lovely, creamy skin scent. It's pretty, I'm glad I have a bottle.

  7. I can't believe I've ignored this scent for 2-3 months. At that time, I sniffed it from the bottle and thought 'foody' and promptly put it away. Fast forward to yesterday when I decided to finally do a skin test and Oh.My.Word. :D <-- *awed in a good way*


    In the bottle, its all sweet almond on me (thus the initial foody perception). So I gingerly swiped a bit on my wrist and the jasmine and honeysuckle blooms :P. It stays that way 'til drydown, that's when the honey and fruits step forward and embraces the almondy florals. Later on, as the almond fades, there's a hint of saltiness that is reminiscent of clean-smelling sweat (or dried tears). But it's lovely, beyond lovely even. Not a lot of throw on me, more of a skin scent actually. But by golly, my skin has never smelled sooooo good.


    Hony Mone is :D.

  8. Does anyone have a picture of Beatrice? The Gallery is down so not sure if one was posted there.


    Another GC with a picture label is the Great Sword of War ... right?

    I don't have Beatrice, but I do remember that there's one pic in the gallery. And the label looks like regular GC.


    Yes, the Come and See series in Sin & Salvation have different labels from the regular GC line as well.

  9. Wet, Door 13 is cold ozone with a sharp metallic edge. Poster above comparing it to cold grey metal is dead on.


    It sweetens slightly as dries though. Almost fruity, yet retaining that men's cologne freshness.


    It's quite chilling and airily ethereal.

  10. The Queen's Salon started out very promising. In the bottle and wet, it's spicy, musky florals with a hint of a juicy plum beneath. Yummy. Then it went downhill from there, it dries down to rose (my arch-nemesis). All rose, all the time :P. Why, oh why must you be cruel skin chemistry?


    Though, every now and again, I get whiffs of the gorgeous plum note, maybe all is not lost after all. *Sniff*

  11. In the bottle: Tamamo-no-mae is sweet, juicy fruits with a zing of ginger.


    On my skin: Oh my word, this is beyond lovely. Bold and juicy fruits, strongly reminiscent of Hungry Ghost Moon. But while HGM went cloying on me, TnM's fruity goodness is tempered by cream and ginger. Also, the skin musk provides a better backdrop (as opposed to the crystalline musk in HGM) to showcase the creamy, fruity, ginger yumminess. TnM also sticks close to the skin.


    This wily fox woman/demon is absolute :P on me. I give this 5/5.


    Now I need to find backup(s) for my single bottle :D.

  12. Very soft and pretty floral with a slightly sophisticated edge. I agree with Christine Daae, it makes me think of a woman in a slinky black dress. To my nose, it's mostly jasmine and heliotrope. I can't detect any rose at all (thankfully for me).


    Very pretty indeed.

  13. Despite the hate-hate relationship that rose and my skin has, I had to try all the Resurrecteds. So here goes...


    This is like a darker, stronger 2, 5 and 7. Very blood red rose, deep and dark. It's so strong, I detect nary a hint of the ylang-ylang. And as all rose scents does, Silentium Amoris turned sour milk on my skin. To quote someone's review on LJ, "my skin is where rose comes to die". Quite apropos in my case.


    This would be a gorgeous scent for rose lovers. Alas, that I'm not one of them. SA will be gifted to my aunt who loves rose.

  14. In the imp, it smells menthol and pine. Brrr, I can actually smell the "coldness" of this scent. Yet, there's an underlying sweetness beneath the chill. I can picture a snow-covered, brightly light Christmas tree out on a frozen frontyard. It's a colder, more minty and less sweet version of Nuclear Winter.

  15. Yep, it's straight up peppermint candy cane. The one with the green and red swirly stripes. I have to restrain myself from licking my wrist. Dry, the peppermint fades into the background and the sugar comes to fore. Bottle-worthy :P.

  16. A very sweet-foody start, I guess that's the Christmas pastries. As it dries, I can detect hints of dirt-laden snow and a greenish scent (Icelandic moss?) around the now dry smelling pastry. Ooh, what a morpher! Further dry, it's predominantly icy-moss smelling dirt with a vague hint of sweet florals. What an interesting scent.
