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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by roguechick

  1. roguechick


    I liked this one, as does my mom. I put it on and it was a really strong rose, which made me go uh-oh. Not a fan of rose. But that faded into a very light rose, which didn't bother me. Sadly, it the perfume faded completely within 3 hours. I was going to use up the sample, but my mom loves it so much I'll give it to her.
  2. roguechick

    Blood Countess

    I really wanted to like this one. The name alone made me want to try it. When I first put it on, the plum and berries were really noticeable. No problem, since I'm more of a fruity fan than floral. Then, the gardenia struck and overpowered me. It gave me a terrible headache. With sadness, I will put this aside to give away or trade in the future.
  3. roguechick


    I liked this one. It didn't smell so nice when I opened the sample. It seemed strong, not sweet, which is what I was expecting when opening the bottle. When I put it on, raspberry. Lucky for me that is one of my favorite scents. Will use up the sample and may buy a 5ml after that.
  4. roguechick

    Leanan Sidhe

    I got the most compliments for Leanan Sidhe. For a little bit it smells like soap, but then turns into a very lovely and light floral. It also lasted for quite a long time on me. I'm going to be buying a larger bottle of this.