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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by roots

  1. roots

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    Well, now that siberian musk is out, I'm actually thinking about getting that one! It's very hard to choose.
  2. roots

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    GC-wise, Black Forest might be a good fit. Reviews are here. Many of the Yule blends have cold+woodsy notes. You shouldn't have too much trouble tracking most of them down on forum. I'm not super familiar with them, as I just got into BPAL toward the end of the last Yule release, but Woods in Winter and Faunalia were both masculine, winter woodsy blends on me. Well... I was thinking and I have three scents that I would like to try. They are not really "essence of winter" but I don't care. My choices are villain, tombstone and Fenris Wolf. What does everyone think? All are extremely good choices in my book . Villain & Fenris are two of my all time favorites . Tombstone isn't bad either , just not as much a winner for my nose . It's a little weaker carry wise , or my skin eats it up . One of the two , haven't decided yet . For something totally different you might try Mad Hatter , Crowley , Coyote , Golden Pirapus , or Fighter from the RPG line . All are fantastic . I am also thinking of getting Tezcatlipoca. I think ill just do the 6 imps lol
  3. roots

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    GC-wise, Black Forest might be a good fit. Reviews are here. Many of the Yule blends have cold+woodsy notes. You shouldn't have too much trouble tracking most of them down on forum. I'm not super familiar with them, as I just got into BPAL toward the end of the last Yule release, but Woods in Winter and Faunalia were both masculine, winter woodsy blends on me. Well... I was thinking and I have three scents that I would like to try. They are not really "essence of winter" but I don't care. My choices are villain, tombstone and Fenris Wolf. What does everyone think?
  4. roots

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I would like a masculine smell for winter. Strong, possibly woodsy and cold feeling. I have a summer cologne (aquatic- go figure) and I am in need of a winter one. I'm not a huge fan of leather, but I might try lighter note of it.