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Everything posted by apathygirl

  1. I don't know if this is helpful - it's not GC and the notes aren't identical - but the current version of Luna Negra is still available at the Trading Post.
  2. apathygirl

    Your Salon Must-Haves!

    Can anyone compare The Smiling Spider and Mourning Lace for me? Their notes aren't particularly similar but the review threads for both consistently mention smelling like clove cigarettes. I have (and love) Mourning Lace so I'm wondering if the Spider is too similar to bother with. Thanks to anyone who can help!
  3. apathygirl


    Can anyone clarify whether Woods in Winter and Ondurdis are similar? I have (and like) Woods in Winter and was thinking about getting Ondurdis as well, but I should probably be wise and not get two identical snow/woods scents!