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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Nyxcyde

  1. Nyxcyde


    thanks! I'd really like that, I'll do a little bit of research on that now as well. Ironically I was tickled pink when I saw that there was a Last Unicorn page. My friend of six years, and possibly prince of all darkness, is a huge horror movie and metal fan (I like horror movies but he owns over 400). Well one day while looking through one of the many, I see a dvd of, what else, the last unicorn.
  2. Nyxcyde


    Hey all, I ordered two imps about a week ago and reading the forums here I think I picked well. I started with a huge list and narrowed it down to Shattered and Nocturne. Shattered had to win because I am in love with grapefruit, I haven't tried it in perfume but it worked almost magically in lotion on my skin. The next one I ordered was Nocturne because I saw the lilac scent on the list, I'm worried that it might be too voilet-y. I have lilac bushes and hyacinth flowers by my yard, and its such a pretty smell I was wondering if BPAL had any scents that were close to that. I tried a pheromone perfume, and on my skin it tends to smells like when soaps try to create the smell of the ocean, very floral and misty and a little salt. Honestly, I'm open to any suggestions. I'm an actress and most people tell me that I look like the mysterious woman sitting at the end of the bar (1920-1940s type)it's prolly the dark hair and red lipstick. But I love scents that are alluring and a little mysterious, but I don't want something super heavy. I used to love CK's In2u, but it is discontinued, I have Armani Code's orchid smelling perfume, and Amy Brown's (perfume) Moon Sprite, which is beautiful but after a while tends to smell bitter in my nose. I had a similar problem with clinique's happy, but it was just a little too citrus. Any help and suggestions would be awesome. Some of the list that I gravitated to were: Sidhee, fey, poisoned apple, shattered, nocturne, queen of hearts, red queen and cheshire cat. Thanks for any help given -Nyx