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BPAL Madness!


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About KateM

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    casual sniffer

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    United States


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  1. KateM

    Sherlockian Search for a Scent...

    Ooh, I like the sound of that. I'm going to be layering a bit anyway, so may as well try it out at least!
  2. KateM

    Sherlockian Search for a Scent...

    Yes! That would be sheer awesomeness. Not to mention the possibilities for A Scandal in Bohemia, or a Valley of Fear... So far it sounds to me like the most likely candidates for a general Sherlockian scent are Hellfire, Parliament of Monsters and Buggre Alle This Bible (this one especially for its 'base' potential.) I'll have to try Old Scratch and Theodosius too. It will be fun to mix and match these and see what happens - keep the suggestions coming, I'm loving this.
  3. KateM

    Sherlockian Search for a Scent...

    Holmes at a Black Mass - what a fun image! 'Hellfire' has some promise. I also like the ideas of 'Famine' and 'Parliament of Monsters.' I had overlooked tea, essential to any Victorian household, and opium smoke is a neat little nod to the opium dens Holmes occasionally frequented. I have 'Antikythera Mechanism' - it's almost too nice smelling, I think! Not enough tobacco, a little too much vanilla. 'Dorian' sounds interesting, though I wonder if the "sugared vanilla tea" would stand out to me the same way the vanilla in 'Antikythera' does.
  4. So, this is a little weird and extremely geeky... I am a Sherlockian (or Holmesian to the British) and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a scent or blend of scents that might be similar to what 221 Baker Street may have smelled like. Tobacco would have to be an element, obviously. Pipe smoke, chemical experiments, a hint of gunpowder and a coal fire burning in the fireplace. Possibly a bit of brandy. Ideas?