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BPAL Madness!


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About allikat

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 11/10/1985


  • Location
    Irvine, CA

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  • Favorite Scents
    White Rabbit, Omen, Yggdrasil

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  • Astrological Info
    I'm a Scorpio
  1. allikat

    Snake Oil

    In the bottle: Sweet, vanilla, a hint of spice. YUM! I can see why this is such a popular scent. Wet: A bit more spice than vanilla. Still very yummy, though I hope the vanilla comes back. Drydown: The vanilla's back, and the spice has receeded into the background. This has suddenly gotten *very* sweet and foody. Still yummy, though I'm not fond of the sweetness/foodyness. I think I'd want to layer this with something a bit spicier for wearing. And twelve hours later, this scent is still going strong. --- I just tried this a second time, and this time, the sweetness isn't nearly as bad. It's still sweet, but not to the point of cloying. I'm supposed to be studying for my Latin final, but I'm having a hell of a time detatching my wrist from my nose. This scent is definitely growing on me.
  2. allikat


    In the bottle: Slightly sweet pine, with a vaguely musty undertone. Wet: Pine and dirt. It's got a bit of a sharp edge to it. It's a little "cleaner" than I usually think of pine. Drydown: The pine mellows a bit and sinks back into the rest of the scent. Now it's more like walking through a forest, and not so much like shoving my nose into a pine tree. I like this an awful lot, but two hours in, it has almost completely disappeared.
  3. allikat

    White Rabbit

    In the bottle: It's very soft, nothing very prominent...maybe licorice? Wet: I really can't place a single note in this (not that I'm very good at that to begin with), but it's very pretty. Soft...maybe something citrus-ish? Or floral? That could be it. It's not a very strong scent, but it is very pretty. It's making my nose feel kind of tingly. I'm probably over-sniffing, but I can't help it. Preeeeetty. I just checked the description to see if I could place the notes better if I could see what it was actually supposed to smell like. Tea? Ginger? Pepper? What the? I'm not getting *any* of that. Drydown: Okay, the "prettiness" is mellowing a bit. There might be a vague hint of spices, but mostly it's still lemony-floral. Some vague potpourri-ish-ness is coming out. It's a very fresh, clean, spring garden kind of scent. The scent's starting to spread more, though. I keep getting whiffs of it as I type.
  4. allikat


    In the bottle: It starts out a little sharp, then gets a kind of earthy smell to it. Wet: Wet, dirty leaves. Slightly incense-y. My guess is that this is the juniper I'm smelling. Dry: On initial drydown, the juniper got much sharper, but about ten minutes later, it's mellowing. Greenery, softened by an underlying scent of earth and dirt. The longer it dries, the more the earth scent comes out. This is very much like walking through an old forest, with green trees and decomposing leaves underfoot. A very interesting scent, but a bit too masculine for me, I think.