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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Renna

  1. Renna

    The Hesperides

    I think it's so strange that people are getting mint. O_O I haven't found that at all! In the Imp: Woodsmoke, maybe a little sour like they're burning trash. 10 Minutes: Woodsmoke is still pretty prominent, but it's fading. 20 Minutes: There are the apples, and now it's apple fragrance with a swirl of (normal) woodsmoke. I like it. Don't love it, so I'm not heartbroken that it was discontinued, but I think it's a cool concept and very evocative of the myth (have to have a smoke note if you're trying to represent a dragon). It's just not entirely me; I think it's more of a special occasion sort of perfume than an everyday one.
  2. Mood lifters: Lyonesse, Dorian. I get distracted from whatever is wrong by constantly sniffing my wrists I find Dana O'Shee very comforting as well. And when I need a confidence kick, it's Highwayman -- if I drop that conditioner on my foot at least I can pretend there is a dashing, strong man on my side to make it all better. And I don't care if it's not based on that specific poem...I still see the Highwayman with the bunch of lace at his chin. So there.
  3. Renna

    My recommendations to you

    So cute! I love it!
  4. Renna


    Okay, I haven't tried these, but in the Limited Edition --> Last Unicorn series, you might like The Lilac Wood, The Last Unicorn, and Lady Amalthea. The first one especially seems to be heavy on the lilac...again though I haven't tried them. I'd search "Bpal [scent Name Here]" on Google and then click the link for BPAL Madness so you can read reviews. Good luck!
  5. Renna

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    EDIT: Dang, sorry for the double post! Something apparently wigged out. O.O;
  6. Renna

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Wow, this thread is so fun. I might start taking notes with my imps so I can recommend things for others down the road! I'm a college senior studying English. I love to read and write; I spend an awful lot of time with my imagination. I also adore history and other cultures (this might be because Dad is military and I've moved my entire life. The longest we lived anywhere was a 5 year stint in Germany). I'm not terribly picky about culture, either. I've learned Irish step dance, Polynesian dance (hula/Maori/Tahitian),ballet, general world dance. I love Poland, Britain and Italy and Germany and Austria and Japan and India ...good grief, I could go on forever. I think every country and every culture on this planet has something awesome about it so I'm never bored. The only place I'm NOT terribly fond of is Russia (we still have family in Poland and historically Russia has not been very nice). I have no math skills whatsoever but I blame this on being left-handed and thus in my right mind. I love all the arts and have some measure of talent in most of them (play piano, sing, draw). The exception is sculpture. My Play-doh creations would make Michelangelo weep. And I think I suck as an actor, although I get very in-character when I write. I tend to keep to myself. I' m an empath and do draw from other people's emotions, but I also find that due to moving or people getting married I lose friends constantly so I'm a little leery of attaching myself to people although I do care about them. I do not trust easily and talk to very few people about what I write or daydream. I'm not ambitious and a little lost about what I want to do with my life (aside from writing). I can be funny and loud. I am a fashionista and a Far Side/Calvin and Hobbes fangirl and I love Disney, but most of the time I need things to be quiet and soothing and pretty. I love beautiful people, places, and things. <3
  7. Renna

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Wow, this thread is so fun. I might start taking notes with my imps so I can recommend things for others down the road! I'm a college senior studying English. I love to read and write; I spend an awful lot of time with my imagination. I also adore history and other cultures (this might be because Dad is military and I've moved my entire life. The longest we lived anywhere was a 5 year stint in Germany). I'm not terribly picky about culture, either. I've learned Irish step dance, Polynesian dance (hula/Maori/Tahitian),ballet, general world dance. I love Poland, Britain and Italy and Germany and Austria and Japan and India ...good grief, I could go on forever. I think every country and every culture on this planet has something awesome about it so I'm never bored. The only place I'm NOT terribly fond of is Russia (we still have family in Poland and historically Russia has not been very nice). I have no math skills whatsoever but I blame this on being left-handed and thus in my right mind. I love all the arts and have some measure of talent in most of them (play piano, sing, draw). The exception is sculpture. My Play-doh creations would make Michelangelo weep. And I think I suck as an actor, although I get very in-character when I write. I tend to keep to myself. I' m an empath and do draw from other people's emotions, but I also find that due to moving or people getting married I lose friends constantly so I'm a little leery of attaching myself to people although I do care about them. I do not trust easily and talk to very few people about what I write or daydream. I'm not ambitious and a little lost about what I want to do with my life (aside from writing). I can be funny and loud. I am a fashionista and a Far Side/Calvin and Hobbes fangirl and I love Disney, but most of the time I need things to be quiet and soothing and pretty. I love beautiful people, places, and things. <3