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Everything posted by Woollyworm

  1. Woollyworm


    I tested this on a chilly, rainy day. Preconceptions: I was expecting to dislike Jack. Intensely. The blend sounded so unlike anything I would ever wear that I figured there was no hope. I feared the peach note would be fake and plastic. Wet: In the imp and freshly applied to my wrist, I was discouraged. It smelled, quite literally, like a butter scented candle. Dry: This quickly settled into a warm, inviting, sweet spiced pumpkin. I can't really detect the peach as a distinct note, but it must be contributing to the overall sweetness and juiciness. I'm certainly not getting any fakey-fake plastic from this. I surprised myself by liking this. People around me REALLY like it; comments galore! I can't see myself wearing this very often, but on a chilly damp autumn day like today, it is perfect. Good throw and last for hours without undue morphing. Warming and comforting.
  2. Woollyworm

    Blood Kiss

    Dirty spicy cherry sweet honey clove wine sex. Narcotic and addictive. This scent just hangs together beautifully. At first I get a big shot of cherry and spicy wine. Then honey and vanilla rise to round and smooth things out. The whole is anchored by an earthy, dirty note I have to assume is vetiver. Apparently vetiver is my friend. My special friend who keeps a toothbrush in my bathroom. I feel so comforted by this fragrance, while at the same time feeling like a bad, dirty girl. I just feel at home in it. This lasts forever and has good throw. More, please?
  3. Midnight Kiss is approaching Holy Grail status. Anything in the GC with the same feel?
  4. Excellent suggestions, I can't thank you all enough! My list is growing and growing...
  5. Woollyworm

    White Rabbit

    Disclaimer: I was given a smidge in the bottom of a bottle and informed it was several years old. Sniffing the bottle: strange and wonderful. Spicy tea with a hint of sweetness. Like chai after you add a drop of honey, but before you add milk. Applied: I slathered most of what was left. Spicy tea with a hint of sweetness and a mystery note I cannot begin to identify. Dry: see above. Very very unusual perfume. Didn't morph much on me. Good staying power. I like it. I can appreciate a tea fragrance without lemon/citrus notes, so this had me at hello in that regard. The mystery note is not unpleasant, but maddening as I can't figure it out. I'll be getting an imp of fresh White Rabbit to test and compare.
  6. Woollyworm


    I tried this on a clear, cool day. Preconceptions: rose and amber made me think of Ombre Rose, a dry, dusty little fragrance I'm not fond of. Sniffing from imp: dirty rose with an attitude problem. Applied: applied liberally to wrists and clavicles. The rose immediately becomes incensey and wonderful. No dust here! Dry: the rose remains ever present, but is beautifully corrupted by the amber. The red musk comes out to play, lending depth and bringing the sexy. This has good throw and major staying power - very important to me in a fragrance. People really seem to like this, I got several positive comments on it. I was given a partial bottle of this, and will buy more when I use it up.
  7. Woollyworm


    I tried this on a cool, clear day. I didn't have high hopes for Lillith, because I was afraid of the rose note. Silly me; the glorious Spellbound should have taught me better! Sniffing the imp: Dark, winey rose. Applied: I applied liberally to wrists and clavicles. I still get the winey rose. I think the wine note is amazing, it blends with the rose to equal more than the sum of its' parts. This is not a dusty dry rose, it is wet, deep and sophistocated. I'm getting a dark, incensey hint of what is to come, and I'm loving it. Dry: This? Is what it's all about for me. Such a lovely and unusual fragrance! The winey rose is still present, but muted by a gorgeous musky incense that clings and clings. I see what people mean by mentioning a powdery note in the drydown, but I think it's a great component of the fragrance. It has good throw, I got a positive comment on it. It lasted a good three to four hours, with the drydown scenting the skin for eternity. I'm buying a bottle.
  8. Woollyworm


    I tried this on a cool, rainy day. Sniffing from the imp: sweet dragon's blood, warmed by cinnamon. Freshly applied: I applied liberally to wrists and clavicles. Wet, I get the spiced dragon's blood, plus a floral note that might actually be component of the db. I don't detect any leather, wine or wood at this point. This is very nice, but not mind-blowing. Dry: Now I'm getting a hint of mild wood, holding the sweet resiny fragrance in place on my skin. Still the spiced db, now mellowed. I'm no longer detecting the floral note as much, the blend has smoothed out into an integrated fragrance making it more difficult to discern individual notes. Overall: Very nice and easily wearable. Not much throw after the first hour or so, and needed refreshing after about four hours. A must-try for dragon's blood and/or cinnamon lovers.
  9. Thanks for all the great suggestions! I'm ordering imps of those that are imp-able, and I'll see what I can find as far as decants. I'm wild to try them all, particularly Snake Oil - sounds perfect!
  10. Hello! I've just inherited some BPAL oils over the weekend. I'm thrilled with them (and with the forum!) and I'm trying to put together my first order. I intend to buy three or four imp packs, and I was hoping I could get some suggestions based on what I like so far. The oils I've been given tend toward the dark and/or incensey. Love 'em! I love Samhain, Sin, Scherezade, and Spellbound. Are there more like these? I like incense, musk, patchouli, sometimes mixed with dark sweetness like vanilla. I don't like fruity florals or light scents, I just can't pull them off. Thank you for any help!
  11. Woollyworm

    What Scent Is This?

    Welcome! You are in luck because Samhain is part of the limited edition Halloween/Autumn update that just went live the other day. Here is a link to the lab's Limited Edition Page and if you scroll down a bit, you will see Samhain 2011. I'm not sure what year your decant is from, but I find them to be fairly similar over the years. They have the same components, but there may be a bit of variation. Thank You! I was stunned by the overall vastness of the website. Can't wait to get my first order in.
  12. Woollyworm

    What Scent Is This?

    I'd never heard of BPAL, until I was recently given several bottles of the oils plus 17 sample Imps. Immediate new obsession! Question: I have a bottle called 'Samhain', but I cant find it on the website to order another. Is it not offered anymore? Is there anything similar to it?