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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Verse

  1. This may sound a bit odd, but I've wondering if there are any BPAL scents with gasoline or exhaust type notes? I've read that the Lab has some "novelty" type scents out there so I figured it was worth a shot to ask. Gasoline has always been one of my very favorite scents--not in a sniffing to get high way!! It isn't that I have a particular affinity for cars, but something about that smell has always been very appealing to me. I'd love it if someone was able to safely bottle that smell--I love the scent but not enough to risk brain cells from inhaling the real thing LOL I guess it is just proof of how different smells appeal to different people (I've even heard of those who adore the scent of skunk...)
  2. Verse

    Red Lantern

    Well, I think I've found my first scent that is going to have to live in a locket! In the imp this was magnificant, full of exotic spice and *powerful* flowers. But on it turned into smokey incense--not bad, but just not that wonderful scent from the bottle It does have a lot of staying power!
  3. Verse


    When I first sniffed this, it made me think of a barn where I used to take riding lessons at. I was baffled at mental connection--there is nothing "animal" or even particularly "warm" about this scent. Then I realized that not only does something of the floral note remind me of the fancy, expensive shampoo used on the fancy, expensive show horses but I think that barn also used cedar shavings in the stalls which would make sense with the cedar notes here. (Honestly, this barn was cleaner and better smelling than a lot of people's houses!) While this was pleasant and interesting, I don't think that I'm going to be a huge fan of florals. Something about this scent is just a bit too soapy for it to be a great favorite. It does smell quite clean and isn't terribly powerful on me. I'm glad that I've tried it, and I'm sure I'll use up the imp! But I don't think I'll make a point to hunt down more.
  4. Verse

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    I love the smell of autumn and keep seeing Samhain mentioned as a popular fall scent, but I'm not a big pumpkin fan (well, the SMELL of pumpkins anyway, I do love Jack-O-Lanterns!) so I'm a little leery of putting this one on my "to hunt" list. So how strong is the pumpkin in this?
  5. Verse

    Follow Me Boy

    In the imp I found this interesting--there was a lot of sweetness but there was also some things in there that seemed to clash with what else I was smelling. When I put it on at first one of those"clashing" notes seemed to amp up and almost sour the scent--for the first few minutes I was really glad I had tried this on a weekend when there weren't a lot of people around... BUT then it soon mellowed out and everything blended together in a way I would not have expected from the jangling notes I was getting from the imp. It turned into a sort of rich honey that was quite nice. I can get the floral impression that people have been talking about, but overall this is more syrupy than I would expect a floral to be. It was really fun to have a scent morph so much on me--I'm very much a newcomer to perfumes so it was exciting to have that experience I've been reading about on the forum. I do wish I could find out what was making that "Oh, NO" scent on me when it was wet. I'm so glad that I was frimped this from the Lab as I don't think I ever would have ordered it on my own, but it turned out to be one of my favorites!
  6. Verse


    Yum, this one is reminding me a lot of the wonderful butter rum cake my mother makes. I was a bit leery of wearing this as it smells so heavy and rich in the bottle, but thankfully it isn't overpowering on my skin. I'm wondering now if dense isn't a better word than heavy as it certainly isn't a scent that runs around and clobbers people after I put it on *laughs* I agree that this one is a warm sort of scent and I look forward to wearing it more in the fall!
  7. Verse


    Some kind soul on the forum recommended Tweedledee when I said that I was looking for a scent with orange in it and I am so thankful for that rec! It was the very first BPAL scent that I tried on and I'm so happy that it turned out so well--I'm still working my way through my first order of imps, but I've already worn Tweedledee twice! It is nicely citrus in the bottle and after wearing it for a little while it began to take on more of a sugary, cake-like scent. It has a very sweet, fresh scent. I would not have expected to be such a fan of an "edible" perfume! Part of me wishes this had a bit more staying power as I've found myself re-applying this when I headed home for lunch. But, I'd MUCH rather be putting more on instead of running to the sink to wash off something that was too overpowering! While I'm not certain if this will wind up as my "signature" scent I can easily see this as being the one I reach for on mornings when I'm running a bit late and don't have time to put a lot of thought into perfume. I think this will be my go-to "safe" perfume that I can put on and know that it will smell nice and pleasant but not worry about knocking anyone over! This is certainly a scent that I'm going to be scouring the forum for "more things that smell like this!"
  8. Verse

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Has anyone put together a "Labyrinth" themed list? (I'm thinking of the old movie with Bowie.) I was thinking about this last night and wondering if I should try and find a good peach scent...