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Everything posted by laizeohbeets

  1. laizeohbeets

    The Lion

    I consider the lion my totem animal, I'm a Gryffindor (Ha!), and I seem to channel Leo personality traits (even though I'm an honest-to-goodness Virgo), so I had to try out The Lion. I was expecting The Lion to be a bit more spicy, but the spice isn't very strong in this. It's more like a baking spice than a hot spice. The Lion is a very mature scent. It reminds me of a lightly heady men's cologne, the kind I wouldn't wear myself (All right, yeah, I would), but wouldn't mind smelling on a boy close to me. It's very comforting, something that could put me to sleep. There's a twinge of baked goods, like fresh pie crusts or ground cinnamon cookies. Usually cinnamon is a bother to my nose, but this scent hits it perfectly. The longer I wear it, the more comforting it feels. It's a very romantic blend, and I would go as far to say that my love potion would smell just like this. If I had a boyfriend, I'd want him to wear it immediately.