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Everything posted by Smurf

  1. Unfortunately it appears that all the scents I love are limited editions - The Cracked Bell, Lenore, Red Phoenix, Blood Moon. Are there any GC scents of a similar nature to these?
  2. Smurf

    Red Phoenix

    I bought this from a forumite along with Blood Moon as my "I failed my exam" purchase. It hasn't made it all better but it damn well has helped. I think what I get most is the cassia with a bit of cinnamon and plum over a base of musk. Spicy and earthy without being foody and dirty. I love it, and what's more my mum likes it and she's really fussy so it must be good.
  3. Smurf

    Blood Moon 2005

    ... The feral scent of the heat of the chase, deep woods, undulating musks, brushed by forest herbs, crushed grains, and touched by blood-dimmed lunar oils. Whatever the blood note is that Beth uses I love it. This is the only Lunacy I have, no idea why I didn't buy it at the time though. Sweet, herbal and I'm not sure if it's musk but it's a great combination - very complimentary. I just need to make sure I don't slather as it's quite a potent one.
  4. That's a shame about the vanilla because I really don't like those scents so I don't wear them. Oddly enough the one time I was complimented by a guy on my BPAL was when I was wearing The Cracked Bell and he said it smelled like vanilla. So again with the vanilla but god knows how he got that from what I was wearing.
  5. Smurf

    Snow White

    This is all wrong on me. It's like cheap coconut sun tan oil for some reason, so I'm glad I swapped for an imp and didn't buy a bottle. I'm going to go wash it off now.
  6. Smurf


    I got an imp of this in a swap and I'm glad I ordered a whole bottle just incase I loved it and missed the boat when the line got d/c. I was worried that the lemon peel would manifest as lemon bath cleaner but it actually smells like genuine lemon. It's dark, mysterious, herbal but a little citrus as well, and I am not a citrus fan, but the way Beth has blended the components seem to merge together in a way that is completely complimentary so that they kind of highlight each other. It smells very self-assured and I LOVE that
  7. Smurf


    Very true to the description. Very dark and sophisticated with prominant amber and subtle musk. I think I like it better when it was wet but it's a keeper anyway.
  8. Smurf


    This is a very warm and comforting smell to me. I gave it a whirl last night and I got a lot of pine and warm foody spices (which I wouldn't have thought was me) like cinnamon, maybe I missed the berries but in the bottle it smelled just like the aftershave my dad wore when I was little. I'll probably wear it a lot over Christmas and when I'm feeling in need of a sensory pick me up...even if my friend did say last night "is that smell you? - I've been looking around for something to eat".
  9. Smurf

    Rose Red

    In the bottle: Definitely what everyone else has been saying - freshly cut roses, quite green smelling too (if there's such a thing as a green smell) Wet: ...Kitchen cleaner? Why?! Drydown: Potpourri Dry: This is actually quite nice now I really haven't made up my mind about this one, it seems to morph into several different things before getting to something I like. Further testing may be required here. I don't think so, my bottle of Yuletide also came in an amber bottle. Edit: And after a few more goes I quite like this. It's unusual but not something I'd wear everyday, probably more of an occasional scent.
  10. Smurf

    The Cracked Bell

    Well I have to say I am loving this Smokey insencey wonderment. But definitely not insence in the same vein as say, Penitence - which smelled like old dirt on me personally. When Sarada mentioned occult shop the smell actually made me think of an old Apothecary. That could just be me however. If you ever wore Sun Moon & Stars by Lagerfeld in your pre-BPAL days this would be right up your alley. I think i'll splash some on a guy friend to see how it smells on men. I'll definitely buy another bottle before the Yule's vanish.
  11. Smurf


    I also got the stale dirt and old spices smell. It came out very bad on me, one whiff and I immediately had to wash it off, it just made me feel headachy and nauseated. Swap pile!
  12. Smurf


    Intitially it was sharp berries but after a few minutes it settled down to a subtle mixture of berry and heather. I really liked this until my mum said "it smells like talc". I'm going to stop asking her opinion. Oh and I can personally vouch that this smells nothing like Glasgow, although that's not necessarily a bad thing.
  13. Smurf


    I have to admit, being new to the BPAL scene when I read descriptions I often have no idea quite how something is going to smell. I ordered this solely because I love the Greek Panthenon and Hades was always one of my favourites. I can't really describe it but it is a very mysterious, dark, masculine scent to me (and I actually prefer masculine scents to girlie ones). Must...buy...big...bottle...
  14. Smurf


    I regretted ordering this one when more reviews started coming in, screaming floral and grandma aren't my thing. But I'm really glad I did. In the bottle: It's quite a strong sweet scent, powdery but a very definite smell of lemon. Wet: Not as astringent as it smells in the bottle. I really get the violets but not in an in-your-face way. Dry: It is a very clean, crisp tone that reminds me of winter and for some reason the Victorians (but i reckon that's just me ). It's a pretty subtle frosty scent on me, very slightly sweet and powdery but it doesn't last long. So basically, I don't like florals, I don't like powder, I don't like sweet, and I don't like lemon. But I like this.
  15. I know this has probably been asked a million times before but I can't see it...does Snake Oil resemble the smell of Lush's Snake Oil massage bar in any way?