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Blog Comments posted by kakiphony

  1. I am loving this. It's so much fun to go back and read my old reviews and add the stars. My only complaint is that after editing a scent's stars it always takes me back to Page 1 of my reviews, and then only shows Page 1 and 2 to click through to. To get back to later pages to keep editing, it takes 1-3 clicks! If it could take me back to the last page of my scents after editing, that would be ideal!

  2. It wouldn't shock the judge at all. Often people retain attorneys in the middle of proceedings, once they realize they are in over their heads. (I practiced divorce law in Michigan for 7 years.) As long as your sister HAS an attorney, I wouldn't worry too much. All the legal aid attorneys I worked with were very competent. They get more experience because they handle more cases, and sometimes getting ahold of them can be harder, but in general I would not dismiss them as incompetent right off the bat. (One of my fiercest competitors was a legal aid attorney. I had MUCH respect for him.) If she is trying to represent herself though, STOP HER. Especially if she is dealing with Mr. Bigshot attorney, she will need an advocate who knows the ins and outs of the law so she doesn't get blindsided or bulldozed. The very messiest cases I ever handled were where people hired me AFTER the divorce was final to try and make things right because they had signed things they shouldn't have while representing themselves.


    If you have specific questions, PM me. Divorce law varies by state, but the overarching issues remain the same everywhere.

  3. Oh dear Bard, I know how you feel. But even worse than knowing how it feels to not be creating is the realization that days and weeks go by when I don't even miss it. Sometimes, I look at my life and wonder just how I got here. I don't even look like me in the mirror anymore, let alone on the inside.


    I used to be a writer. I didn't just want to be one, I was one. I wrote every day, filling journals and disks and spiral notebooks. I wrote in pencil and in green pen and blue pen and with the keyboard. I wrote poetry, fantasy, romance, essays, memoir, stream-of-consciousness, fanfic and plays. I kept a file on the computer filled with nothing but random lines that didn't fit into anything I was writing, but which would pop into my head, fully formed, and screech at me until I wrote them down.


    I'm not sure when I stopped. I could figure it out based on the last things on my hard drive, but the truth is that I had stopped internally long before I stopped trying to go through the motions. I don't know what happened... Law school, my awful job, illnesses, getting married...life.


    I talked to a resume coach about a year ago when I decided to reassess my job and my life. She pointed out that the one thing I sounded truly enthusiastic about was the YA novel I had in progress. She was right...but I still couldn't work on it. I open it and the file stays just as it is. There's nothing in me to pour onto the page.


    I mourn for what I have lost and wonder if I'll ever get it back. Some days I mourn with tears, and some days I mourn with apathy. I'm not sure which is worse.

  4. I'm very, very bad about the "How are you feeling" thread. I don't read it every day -- I think I average about three days of reading it per week. Granted, I post there even more infrequently than that (mainly when I think how I'm feeling is interesting or can be made somehow interest), but I think that maybe my replies can feel inadequate or seem to play favorites...even though that's very much not my intention. Mainly I respond when something resonates with me because I've felt similarly, or when I think I have something constructive to say. I rarely just give :hugs: there. I probably should. After all, I know I like receiving the hugs and comments. It would probably also help me make more friends here, which while not a huge goal for me would certainly be nice and quite welcome in my fairly isolated existence.


    All that said, I am here, I do read your blog and I'll start to comment more. I know that when I went through my roughest patch of depression (I've never been medicated or diagnosed, but in retrospect it really was a minor break-down) the fact that others reached out to me made a huge difference. I ignored most of them, but I appreciated all of them.


    I'm here and I'm rooting for you. :D

  5. I'm also with you. I even resent having to eat my lunch with my husband sometimes. Especially when I'm in the middle of a good novel. Then, all I want to do is be left alone to read for an hour. There is just so little time in life that can be all ours -- we need to savor it. I wish more people could get that.


    Oh! And I'm jealous as all get-out that you have the attitude to wear fishnets to work. My sole nod to the inner me is red shoes. I love pairing my boring black court suits with red Mary Janes. But fishnets would be sweet.
