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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by dappled

  1. dappled

    The Changeling

    YES!!!!! THIS. EXACTLY. I haven't actually even put it on my skin yet to try because I am too afraid from the bottle smell. It was in my top 3 most anticipated to love of the Weenies, but when my order arrived and I sniffed everything and re-ordered the bottles based on how the smelled on a quick whiff.....it dropped from #2 to all the way towards the end, in the beginning of the "almost too scared to even test on my skin" section. B/c all that I can smell in the bottle is burnt butter and ashy wood over some strong manly cologne. In fact the very first time I opened the bottle to sniff, I cringed and winced and jerked my head back. Where is the vanilla and linen and blonde wood? Why is there instead a Vetiver Ash Monster and his friend Too Much Axe? I am trying to keep an open mind and work up my courage to give it an actual try on my skin but I am truly aghast.... Although, the name of this scent may be oh so appropriate if it actually is one of those perfumes that undergoes a metamorphosis through the magical mysteries of derma-alchemy...oh so truly and really a CHANGEling?
  2. dappled

    The Green Apple Of Venus

    I anticipated this scent oh so much, and I was oh so disappointed by the reality of it on my skin. These two reviews together say it all: It smelled fine in the bottle, but on my skin it was just this kind of REALLY sweet bubble gummy fragrance. At the same time it seemed weak like she said as the green apple seems to disappear instantly. Rose which is usually such a huge drama queen on my skin is totally MIA. Overall: green apple teases for a millisecond, other notes vague at best, other than a kiddie sort of gummy scent, sticky sweet enough to bother me, but short lived so in the end it doesn't really matter. Oh yes, that is really, really the best possible description for my experience, too. (bolding is mine). Spot on as an overall one line caption. I am not sure what strawberry in BPAL smells like, but now when I smell my arm and think about sunshine's review, I really do think it is strawberry - a sort of artificial candy flavored strawberry - that is making this whole thing so sweet, bubblegummy, kiddie-girlie for me. What is so weird is that 10 minutes after putting it on, all that is left is this faint, dusty or maybe powdery, vague scent that I can't smell much of even with my arm glued to my nose. How did I get there from the so yummy bottle scent and when it's freshly wet on my skin - which again sunshine described so perfectly -?
  3. dappled

    Time Does Not Bring Relief

    This smells like skin that was washed with violet scented soap. Not soapy but rather a faint lingering perfume mixed with the natural smell of skin.