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BPAL Madness!


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About Kattastrophe

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Country
    United States


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  1. Kattastrophe

    Looking for something Ruby Guava?

    Thanks so much you two! The Machu Picchu and Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat sound really interesting. I will definitely give them a closer look.
  2. Kattastrophe

    Looking for something Ruby Guava?

    I've been putting it off for awhile now...but finally taking the plunge and wanted to order a small pack of imps to try! I've already done alot of looking on the forums and so far have put together... Katharina Xiuhtecuhtli The Lion Shanghai Night-Gaunt I've got one more space to fill and I'd really like to find something similar to Ruby Guava? I've run into this general scent several times but my latest try belongs to Pacifica in their 'Hawaiian Ruby Guava'. I love it and it smells great, but it doesn't last more than an hour or two on me and barely that. I'd love to find something close to it, I used to live overseas and the smell just reminds me of growing up for some reason in SouthEast Asia and on the beaches. I've tried searching the forums and ran across guava in a few things....but it always seemed paired with something odd or that I thought would really overpower it. So no luck on my own, any help? If no luck there, give me your last 'must try' suggestion. I'm a bit leery of scents that are really dark, but do like musks or heavier oriental scents alright. Definitely no baked goods or anything too 'sugary', when it comes to 'food' smells I'm definitely more fruits(citrus and more exotic fruits are a fav) or hard candy only. Heavy florals are a no, if I'm going in that direction I'm usually more into 'hyper-girlie' scents that are bright and energetic.