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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by InvidiaBlue

  1. InvidiaBlue

    Goliath Birdwing

    I'm not that great at reviewing and don't do it very often, but I just wanted to mention my thoughts on the artwork. I looked up the Goliath Birdwing, and most of the pictures are of a butterfly that is mostly yellow-green/lime green with some black. The scent description, and indeed the scent itself, fit this image perfectly. Light, citrussy, fresh. So I can't figure out why the female (the male is the colorful one) of this species was chosen for the artwork. Just doesn't fit imo. The scent itself does not beckon for me to try it, so I'll be passing this along. I also notice how faint it is, even from the bottle. Having a fairly weak sense of smell, I know that even if I do try it, it will disappear almost instantly. Okay, I decided to try it anyway. It smells very nice, sweeter and softer than in the bottle. Must be the "dusty beige musk". But as Iceblink said, it's sort of a smell you'd prefer in your laundry, not the "oooh smell me!" kind. Can BPTP make this in a detergent? It would be the most amazing detergent-type smell I could use for clothes. Maybe one day they'll go awesome-crazy and make a Candy Butcher detergent.
  2. InvidiaBlue


    Oh gods... from the bottle, I wasn't expecting this to smell like it did. I suppose if I knew what caraway smelled like, I would have. Presumably, that's what gives it the nasty stench that reminds me of Spicebush Swallowtail, one of the worst scents I've ever had from BPAL. I think that was the clove. I'm being brave and putting some on my wrist anyway, just out of curiosity as to how it will morph. Eck... it's not really changing. It seemed to be changing for the better at first but went back to that awful smell. I knew it was a long shot. I'm keeping the bottle for my Metamorphosis collection but the oil is GOING.
  3. InvidiaBlue


    My first posted "review". lol And I use quotation marks because I fayl at picking out notes and such. ;p I wanted to try this for a long time after seeing Beth talk about it on youtube with.. some perfume reviewer lady, I cant remember. She mentioned the notes, how they were a bit too true to form with it and that they had only sold 20 bottles. lawl Just had to try it out of curiosity. I absolutely did not expect to like this on a 'wearing' level, and lo and behold, I do NOT. The description is perfect. To me it smells like rusted metal, flesh and burnt things and that is about all I can pick out if I really try. Gross, but fascinating! Amazing how she blended such a realistic and horrifying scent! I am at work and bravely just put a dab on my wrist. Almost right after that someone started sniffling. O.O' It could be coincidence but to be safe rubbed it on my jeans and pulled down my sleeve. I do smell something familiar in it. I want to agree with the vetiver note mentioned above, but... not quite. Maybe a combo of vetiver and something else that Ive sniffed from BPAL before and not a single note. All in all, nasty, but too intriguing not to try! Edit: Gah! So strong, it is making my headache worse! Probably not a good decision to use this while suffering a migraine. Slathered it in Pride to try and drown it out. Please work!