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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by mysteryflavored

  1. mysteryflavored


    In the imp, this smelled purely like cola, unsweetened and oddly adult. Wet, it morphed into a powerful scent... but I don't know how I would describe it. The cola was gone, replaced by something electric and masculine. This dried down to something stormy, yet muted. I'm really liking this vibe, but that's possibly because it's raining out and this scent just matches the atmosphere. I'm all kinds of girly-girl, but this scent makes me feel good. I'll hold onto the imp for more playtime.
  2. mysteryflavored


    In the imp, this smelled like dry cocoa and something rotting. I held off on trying it for a little while, but know well enough not to trust what that little wand tells me. Wet was a chocolate overload. I believe the sandalwood also held a position up top. Too heavy of a scent for my usual tastes. Dry, this got so delicious. Pure, unsweetened cocoa with myrrh (vanilla? are you there? no? okay whatever). I'm reminded heavily of the signature Ojon scent, although this is smoother and softer. My skin was hogging this, too... I can only smell it if my nose is touching my wrist. I like it that way -- this isn't a scent I'd like to advertise, but rather keep as a nummy little secret.