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Everything posted by somethingducky

  1. somethingducky

    The Hesperides

    Alright I have two imps of this stuff somehow and I every time I open the bottle all I get is the scent of the ear cleaner we use for infected dog ears at work (vet tech). The cleaner is supposed to have an "apple blossom" scent and I swear up and down that this smells exactly the same! As much as I might like the fresh clean apple-ness, I can't help but be reminded of infected dog ears every time! So my association only I just cannot enjoy this scent at all...
  2. somethingducky

    Eat Me

    I got this bottle as a frimp in my last order and just kinda pushed it off to the side for a few months. I did open it once or twice and was put off by the pure, syrupy, toothache inducing sweetness of it all. Just the other day I bored and took a dive and was very pleasantly surprised. Wet this is warm vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting. There is also a distinct buttery-ness as well. I don't detect any berry notes but I don't have a very experienced nose. As is dries it begins to mellow out some, it develops a bit of spiciness but stays distinctly buttery on my skin. I never thought I'd describe myself as foody scent-wise but I really like it. The DH seemed to like it too (mmmmm...was his reaction) and my mom pretty much had the same "yummy" coment. I may have to try this out and about to get more of a feel for the scent. Pleasantly surprised.
  3. somethingducky


    This haunting, exotic scent is named in honor of the shapeshifting demons from Hindu mythology. Sandalwood with rose and patchouli. This scent was heavy on the sandalwood and patchouli for me, light on the rose. I agree with another reviewer that this almost smelled ceder-ish on me, very woody. I was hoping for a scent that was a lot like Bath and Body Works now discontinued Sandalwood Rose collection and it was very close, in fact I love it more!
  4. somethingducky

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    The wax and smoke of millions upon millions of candles illuminating the walls of Death’s shadowy cave: some tall, straight, and strong, blazing with the fire of life, others dim and guttering. Going on this was lovely delicate all natural beeswax. The kind from a local hive that still has that golden color from the honey in it. Not super foody, not a whole lot of throw, but light and very comforting to me. I was in the middle of a very lonely pity party when I decided to try this and I feel a little better. It's the kind of scent that I feel i could wear and it wouldn't smell like I was wearing perfume but that it was just how I happened to smell. Bottle worthy for me. Update! Finally purchased a bottle and mixed what was left of my imp into about 4 ounces of unscented lotion base I purchased from a website called Garden of Wisdom and it smells divine for everyday layering. I am surprised by it's subtle throw, not super in your face but definitely noticeable.
  5. somethingducky


    I smell root beer float on me, but I still really love it. I was sitting in the car with my parents shortly after imping myself and they kept commenting on the yummy-ness of the air.
  6. somethingducky


    Ok here goes my first ever review. In the bottle I really wasn't sure. Someone mentioned shortbread cookies, well I smelled my mother's Mexican wedding cookies (flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon) which was ok, but not something I wanted smeared across my skin. But I took a deep breath and dabbed a little on and wow! It completely morphed from this cloying cookie smell to a warm, spicy floral. It's very different from anything I've ever worn before and just gets yummier as it dries down. I get this tickle in my nose like I've been sniffing the spice cabinet too much and I'm tempted to lick my wrist.