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BPAL Madness!


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About tweakano

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday 06/04/1973


  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Country
    United States

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Immersion, history, trivia, cartoons/comics, scootering, bicycling and aesthetics, or I like to taste it, touch it, see it, hear it and smell it. If you want me to behave keep me far away from libraries, museums and the toy department at Target.
  • Mood


  • Favorite Scents
    Green notes, earthy notes - always open to new scent essences Favorite blends (so far!) - Black Forest, Geek, Dormouse


  • Astrological Info
    Gemini born with Taurus rising (mother's sign), Year of the Ox
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. tweakano

    Tiger Lily

    I have to agree with several on this thread regarding Tiger Lily: green floral with honey. It's usually what I don't prefer simply because I'm not the green floral type (more so green herby). I do like the change from floral to honey in the dryout process, like going from exited to calm... I can see one of my cooler friends wearing this - you know, that friend who's so personable, friendly, talented, gifted & pretty that you're never jealous of because they're so wonderful?! You know very few people like this, but your life is better for having to know them. Yeah, I can see my violinist/pianist/dancer/gypsy/taoist friend wearing this...
  2. tweakano

    The Dormouse

    The Dormouse met my hopes & is one of my favorites. Leafy, herby & a little floral. Nice, happy, clean! It has most of the elements I look for when shopping for scents. Not much else I can add: Lovely!
  3. tweakano


    A snarling, feral scent, ever-so-slightly slightly deranged: hot leather, opoponax, cedar, pine needle, mosses, dry grass, patchouli and cinnamon bark. I was going to say that Geek is Today's Scent for the Urban Man but then I hear my husband say, "What? Like waking up in a forest still drunk from last night? So drunk you sweat liquor?" I thought he was being a bit too cynical - then I looked up the history of Geeks. Some men who were hired for the Carnival who were so alcoholic they would, "do anything for a drink." They had so much alcohol in their system it slowly seeped out of their pores - giving them an almost tangy, leathery ordor. Geek does not smell exactly like this, but it's close the inspiration. One of my favorites nonetheless...
  4. tweakano

    Black Forest

    Got this as a frimp, yea! To me Black Forest smells like The Hunt - the woods, the night air, energetic, masculine, wild - *ahem* sexy! I catch myself re-applying it then calling my husband for some reason. Slowly becoming my favorite. Hope to buy the 5ml soon!
  5. tweakano


    Numb gave me the impression of a talc commonly used in the 20's (can't remember the name now) a little carnation, a little mineral & definitely that baby powder foreground. I loved my friend's reaction to Numb at work, when she exclaimed, "It smells like babies!!" I also noticed the carnation & a little bit of cream comes out as it dries out. I like it - will certainly use it a gift item for upcoming birthdays...
  6. tweakano

    White Rabbit

    This scent's interesting - at first I smelled grass & powder out of the bottle. As I wore it the grass/powder mix turned into a soft suggestion of what my husband would call Kleenex & spun sugar. Some brands of Kleenex have a bit of fragrance that resembles linen sheets - White Rabbit is close to that. Then I thought: Kleenex, paper, clean paper with spun sugar - where did I smell that? Wait, that's cotton candy - Real Cotton Candy! When your right next to cotton candy you barely smell a thing until you take a big whiff while it's being made. White Rabbit had that impression on me. The dryout is nice - powdery soft & fades into nothing after the party's over. It's pleasant, it's a keeper.
  7. tweakano

    Two, Five & Seven

    I agree with Kittyflop regarding Two,Five,Seven- fresh rose garden. As it continues to dry out it seems to mimic the actual life of some roses: growth, bloom, cut for a bouquet, enfleuraged & finally decanted for linens or a brooch. Wearing this ended up becoming too heady on me, but I can think of a million uses for it otherwise. I can see this as a candle, lightly on a silk rose arrangement and even in a rose lasse if prepared correctly. Mmmm, yogurt milkshake... And yes, overall lovely.
  8. tweakano

    Block Buster

    This one is fascinating! Earthy Red Hots!! My husband & I figured we found cinnamon, vanilla & balsam peru to add that sugary, almost caramely character. Actually, he went into a ten-minute dialogue about it - pretty much saying it smells good on me for going out with friends. The cinnamon is dominant throughout the wet, worn & dry-out stage, but it's fun - I enjoy it!
  9. tweakano


    Yeppir, I also got almonds with Salome - that and powdery carnation while wearing it. The almondy or amaretto note immediately faded while the powderly note remained for awhile - reminds me of older bath salts from the 50's - heady, yet soft. Salome is not for me, but it does remind me of antique bath & beauty containers.
  10. tweakano


    Bought this imp with a set on Ebay. Didn't think much of it when I sniffed the imp other than something vaguely familiar. The girls at work thought it reminded them of something when they were young - really young. After I applied it to my skin & the smell grew into a heady, cloying rose. It personally brought back memories of mean girls in elementary school. Then I remembered - it's Tinkerbell!! Back in the early eighties Tinkerbell was sold as a kind of "My First Perfume" for girlsm maybe it's still around. We used to pour a little bit of Tinkerbell on our dollies heads - but then we found out it's lasting qualities 20-25 years later. Very strong. Eve is just like this.
  11. tweakano


    I bought this imp with several imps in a set on Ebay. Glad I bought it since I usually don't buy scents with honey, but O helped me recosider. In the imp I smelled honeysuckle in the foreground & lilly of the valley in the background - all like a Fresh rosebush, floral sweet but not foody. On my skin all the florals moved to the background & became powdery, round and slightly wooden. In the front the honey stayed, but smelled more like lit beeswax candles - warm & comforting. The dryout became the smell of honeydust - overall quite sexy. This would make a great massage oil and I know a few kinky but loving couples who would love this! --Kasee