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Everything posted by ragged

  1. ragged

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    I've been waiting a LONG time to smell Kataniya and I just got a bottle of it in the mail today. :> Even though I was waiting so long to finally try it out, it exceeded my expectations (which were not low to begin with). I was hoping that Kataniya would smell like a metallic/electrical perfume, and it does, but it smells like a very expensive/refined perfume. I wasn't expecting that. I was pleasantly surprised. :> Wet on my skin: It smelled extremely unisex at this stage, the metallic/ozone notes bringing in a cologney/masculine smell, while the florals made it more perfume-y. Drying on my skin: It took a feminine turn at this point on. The floral notes came to the front, 'sitting' on the metallic/ozone note, which was cool in your throat, but hot at the same time to some of my other senses. I think this is why people say it's cool but hot at the same time. :> Even this early on, the florals smell very elegant/expensive, like a high-end perfume that you would think you couldn't afford. Like most people who reviewed Kataniya, I can't put my finger on any of the florals, but they're not tacky or overbearing. They're just really nice and elegant-smelling. Dry on my skin, later: The electrical note began to show itself, intermingling with the rest of the notes, especially the metal notes. It made them smell like 'shocked metal', and added an ionic backdrop to the whole scent, kind of like an air-purifier. I found it really pleasant and it even helps me breath easier. :> The florals still stay refined at this stage. Verdict: Kataniya was everything I was hoping for and more. I needed it for a project for a female robot character and it's perfect! I'm really pleased with it, and I'll really be enjoying my bottle. :>
  2. ragged


    I've known about the Old London scent for -years- and I finally got to smell it a few days ago when I got my first order from the company. What didn't make me try it out sooner was because I was worried it would smell too feminine for me, I only wear colognes. Well, kind of sadly, I was right, it is - but I know I'll use the imp for other things, like lightly scenting plushies with it, etc.. so I'm not so sad by it, no matter what it doesn't seem like a waste, and for how it works on me, at least I saw it coming. It smells like soft, rainy antique roses, I noticed that the longer you wear it, the softer the rose got (at least for us). The longer the scent was on, the more 'aged' it smelled too, in a good, fitting way But the feminity was still undeniable, since no matter how faint and aged the rose got, it was still somehow the most notable note. It's seriously not a bad scent, actually I like it. Just... too feminine on myself, like I said. I think this would be perfect for someone who was looking for the aspects I was looking for in it but liked that it was a perfume-y smell rather than a cologne-y one. And like I said, I'll still use it as a scent accent on things.. just not on myself, lol.