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Everything posted by personaldna

  1. personaldna


    Initially, annoying. Later, intriguing but almost sickening. Might actually work better with a man's chemistry than it does with mine. There is a hint of something attractive here, but just when I think I've got it, I can't stand it.
  2. Oh, I can imagine that all the little steampunks must love this! Wonderful woody scent with the complexity of vanilla and tobacco. I see distinguished, learned gentlemen wearing stovepipe hats and waistcoats who periodically check their pocketwatches in a smoking parlor of panelled wood. Which is something like what many others have said before me. What is so enticing about it is the way it mellows on the skin. I can't stop smelling myself! New favorite!
  3. personaldna


    A brilliant, ethereal scent: white musk, bergamot, heliotrope, peach and oakmoss. I avoid food smells for the most part, but Fae is something wonderful. The prevailing smell is peach, but it's kind and gentle. Really light and well-tempered by the other ingredients. A beautiful spring/summer scent. I am surprised to like it so much!
  4. personaldna


    First impression (while wet): lavender. A calming, pleasant scent. Second impression (30 mins. after application): Acrid sweat behind the lavender. I suddenly remember an ex-boyfriend--the one who didn't believe in anti-perspirant, and despite wearing deodorant stank all the time until I convinced him to switch brands and he found one that actually worked. Final impression: There is still a scent behind the lavender, but it is so tame now I almost can't find it. Relaxing lavender again. I hope it will eat my nightmares... and memories of the ex.
  5. personaldna


    In the vial, already very perfumey. On the skin... ah, rose! Why did you have to come in like you own the place and beat up on all your friends? You weren't even top on the list. I smell like the sultan's whore--not in any kind of good way whatsoever. I can't smell any of the other notes, and now I must shower.
  6. personaldna


    Sniffing Eclipse wet, I wasn't sure how I would fare. The almond note is very present, yet I could tell something else was in there, so I slathered my wrists. In a short time, the vanilla mellows everybody out nicely. The heliotrope peeks out just enough to keep this from being too foody for me. It really does feel warm--like a nice, close to the skin scent. I don't get any of what I would call darkness from this. It's more of a sensual, uplifting fragrance. Nice, and I wouldn't throw it out of bed. Unless Hand of Glory was around.
  7. personaldna


    There's a reason I stick to wood and resinous scents. Flowers do bad things on my skin. So in spite of noting the violet in this fragrance, I hoped for some beautiful transformation via clove, tonka, and incense. No such luck. I smell like some kind of sickly sweet hotel soap--powdery and weird.
  8. personaldna

    The Red Queen

    I saw the warning that the Red Queen smelled like cherry lollipops. But I just watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and I loved Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal of the Red Queen in it, so I decided to take my chances. I win! The Red Queen wet was a very cherry, slick red mess--sweet like candy, but in 15-20 minutes' time it dried down to a lovely mahogany wood. The sweetness has behaved itself, and I've lost my head sniffing myself again and again.
  9. personaldna

    The Chapel 2008

    Upon reading the description of The Chapel, Greenwoodtree and I were ooohing over the promise of smoky, dark incense. She got a sample in a swap and due to sensitivities, can only try one scent a day, so I was a willing test subject. Wet, the scent is smoky but in a short time, it turned to tobacco on my skin. My friend recoiled at that note, displeased, and I am the happy recipient of the imp. I wore The Chapel to my World Religion class, and I loved catching a whiff of the tobacco-y scent as we studied Islam. I reapplied a dab to my cleavage before running off to the theatre to play music for The Bacchae. The scent accompanied my mad shenanigans quite well. It's probably the incense that reads to my nose like tobacco, but no matter to me--I'm in heaven with The Chapel. It feeds my dark romantic mood and is intoxicating. I am seriously considering a bottle. UPDATE: As I applied The Chapel for the second day in a row, I dropped the imp in my bathroom sink. Despite acting quickly, half the contents were splashed across the basin. The scent permeated my house and I finally recognized the tobacco note is likely the wine. And now I need to get a bottle even sooner.