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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by grnwoodtree

  1. When everything else sucks...BPAL forum time.

  2. Getting burned out on swaps...it's a sad day.

  3. Awww, thanks, my friend :) It's good to know there's a kindred spirit out there.

  4. The sun...has finally arrived. It's only taken 3 weeks.

  5. Hi! Thanks for coming by and saying hi <3

  6. HI gf :) yeah, billy is a big kitten...need a new cat?

  7. Squirrels, bears, and chipmunkers, oh my!

  8. Full Moon in Scorpio for Beltane - whoa babies!! Love the one yer with, heeheehee

  9. Stopping by to say "Hullo"!

    **bunny wave**

  10. Making new friends is one of the most delightful parts of being alive.

  11. i just read some of your blog -

    i love shiba's, hope to have one someday :)

  12. Spring is disturbingly early....

  13. Hi girlfriend - nice to see you made it :)

  14. MMMmmm...Cinnamon M&Ms...need I say more?

  15. Happy Solstice!! HAPPY New year!!

  16. Winter comes wayyyyyyy too soon where I live.

  17. Things going better with my sweetie - and now everyone else isn't listening. UGH - must go do my own damn astro chart!

  18. FINALLY got a swap list up - that was a lot of work! I hope something good comes of it :)

  19. Choir rehearsal tonight about made me pass out. I hate being sick.

  20. Im in seriously bad shape - If I am not responding to posts or messages this is why.

  21. Too much mead makes head all hurty

  22. Loving the Summertime heat!!

  23. first bpal sampling of the year - really am enjoying the little frisky rodents ;)
