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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by parasol

  1. parasol

    What Scent Is This?

    Oh gosh, I totally looked past that way of spelling it! Thank you so much; now I can properly buy more of this. <3
  2. parasol

    What Scent Is This?

    I have a BPAL that I've had difficulty trying to identify for quite a while. You see, a while back a forum seller here gifted me with this BPAL! I asked her about it, and got no response. Odd. However, I, for the life of me, cannot find this scent anywhere. I think it's written as "Faer Bai Anger," but not even a Google result yields me anything. In case I'm wrong, I've tried to copy down almost exactly how this person wrote the name on the label (since my phone is absolute crap at close-ups): It also has "Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab" handwritten on the opposite side. I'm terrible at identifying scents, but straight from the imp it smells very sweet. Very faintly floral sweet wet on my skin. Thanks to anyone who can help me (or notices this comment, sob.)