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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SophieCedar

  1. Coffffeeeeee!!! Whheeeee!!

    1. backthatelfup


      I'm waiting to get to that Whheeee!! point, heh. Jetlag.

  2. Just came back from watching the sun rise over the ocean, while standing in the water.. *sigh* :)))) Hoping the rest of the weekend is that awesome.

    1. backthatelfup


      That sounds...lovely :D

  3. SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!! Snow please. thank you

  4. Gonna have an awesome local made products dinner on my new 8ft picnic bench tonight!

  5. Buying a kiddie pool and a wind chime today. Yesss!

  6. Just came back from wading around in ocean water while the sun rose. And I met a new friend there! I <3 Maine.

  7. Just returned from a Shriners parade in dt Belfast. Arabian brass band with swords, mini mack trucks, ramp stunts.. The memory that will last the longest? A clown named "Coota". He was shaking kids hands. Yup.

  8. Today is a strange day. Completely silent outside and sunny. Woke up from weird dreams after a strange night. Am I here? *pinches my arm*

  9. SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW happened. (thank you!) another foot on top of over a foot last week and a few inches earlier this week!

  10. bbrrrreeepppttt hep hep aaiiiyyrrrreeee!!!! (coffee is fun)

  11. Birds are in full swing outside. What a welcome cacophony!

  12. Vanilla butterscotch cupcakes today? Or sanding and staining furniture. Uhm.

  13. I can hear a fog horn outside my house, from the bay... Looking at the local paper, there's a monster truck advertisement for the famous "CrushStation"... It's a giant lobster on giant wheels... I love Maine.

  14. I'm pretty awesome. That's all.

  15. Sky typing.. could be expensive but really, let's think about impact. Total wow! lol

  16. Hi! Hope you've been well. I love the new posting icon pic. Take care!

  17. Thanks for the friend invite! Take care!

  18. Added you as a friend simply based on the Electric Wizard avatar.. and then I check your profile and see a head in a box. Perfect!

  19. sending you a friend request because our scent reviews always seem to mirror each other. I'm tired of stalking yours to see if once again they're similar.. then they are! hahahaha

  20. I just had to say.. passing through the forum posts, it makes me gleefully happy every time to come across your Countdown to Halloween banner with the whirling jacks. :)

  21. thanks for adding me as a friend! seems we have some scent similarities. :) take care!

  22. I will gladly be your friend. thanks for the invite!
