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BPAL Madness!


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Status Replies posted by SophieCedar

  1. SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!! Snow please. thank you

  2. Also, of course, CONGRATS ON OVERTURNING PROP 8 CALIFORNIA :D This is brilliant, briliant news. #Prop8

    1. SophieCedar


      YYYAAAYYY!!! That was the best news I heard in a long time. Congrats California!

  3. Amused: boyfriend thought little sample flavored lubes were candy - that he tried to feed his coworkers. XD

    1. SophieCedar



  4. first a near accident, now the ER my mini vacation in october can't come fast enough.

  5. Car smashed into. Report filed. Got a lead on where the guy went, and hopefully a security cam. I could use some happy smelly right now.

    1. SophieCedar


      Aw! I'm happy and smelly.. does that count? ;) Best of luck catching the guy!! glad you're ok. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Got some mead... time to become a viking!
