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Everything posted by SophieCedar

  1. SophieCedar

    Blue Fire

    It's blue alright! Sour candy blueberries with meaty papaya. Fun!
  2. SophieCedar


    Whoa. GRENADINE! and banana with a sprinkle of coconut. This makes my teeth hurt and I want to drink my arm.
  3. SophieCedar

    Screeching Parrot

    I was scared initially because of the name, but this isn't screeching at all. Warm, golden, haze inducing citrus booze. Apricot and grapefruit come out giving me that grapefruity tang taste on my tongue.
  4. SophieCedar

    Golden Wave

    Not too citrusy and nice fizz. Nicely balanced but it disappears in 15 minutes.
  5. SophieCedar


    Wow... the unexpected hit of the pack. This is very mellow and smooth. Understated to say the least. The smell creeps out and oozes calm. The lilac musk isn't sharp, but notable. Lime second, crushed and muddled. Tonka 3rd, lifting the blend and rounding it out. Wood Violet 4th..but this is just musky and underlying. This fades fast but nice while around!
  6. SophieCedar

    Polynesian Pop

    Fizzy gingerale with a fat wedge of orange and strong booze. Very effervescent with a moderate mineral smell. Not something I'd wear as a staple but a fun pick me up!
  7. SophieCedar


    peach almond booze with translucent orange and rose underneath! Fun and not too cloying.
  8. SophieCedar


    I found this to be less sharp than many others from this collection. Creamy soft blackberry with almost a banana anise undertone. Then again, some of these arrived half full.. maybe the labbie mixed them up? Dunno!
  9. SophieCedar

    Eisheth Zenunim

    Woooooowwww. This one is awesome!! The perfect mix of sweet and dirty. My skin eats it up and creates a dreamy haze of stinky awesomeness around me. All notes are there exactly as described. If I could marry a scent, this would be it. Amplified gaoler's daughter mixed with hetairae. It rules.
  10. SophieCedar


    Wet: It's a bit drier than I expected at first. I thought I smelled some sandalwood mixing with plum, but this must be the frankinsence and mahogany. Pomegranate doesn't like me so it's turning sour with the mix of patchouli (patchouli is usually magic on me..). I knew this would happen but I keep getting pomegranate blends..! Drydown: I can barely smell any benzoin because of the pom. maybe when I get older it will love me back..
  11. SophieCedar


    Mmm. soft sweet pea musk and tonka come out first. the sage and musk more on the drydown. This is a perfect summer scent. Very refreshing without smelling like carpet cleaner!
  12. SophieCedar

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    This smells amazing in the bottle. however when I apply it to my skin, a baby powder smell comes through w/the lovely smoky, sweet, languid florals. I think my chemistry isn't liking it, in this heat. I'll wait until it cools down outside...
  13. SophieCedar


    This has promise at the beginning but fades very quickly. The notes are exactly as described. Lovely warm, tan golden and sweet but a 1 minute later I can't really smell much and it needs to be reapplied.
  14. I think the civet musk is supposed to be the strongest out of the bunch. Debauchery and Black Annis both have this. My recs: Eos: has a warm skin musk at the base and it's golden and glowy. I find the musk to be dominant in this. Mixed with buttercup, honeysuckle and jasmine, but very well blended so the flowers don't overpower the musk. Wulric: I have a bottle of, and second that choice. Brown Jenkin: warm fuzzy coconutty brown musk Bien Loin D Ici: the red musk is wicked strong in this one! There are sweet notes but they stay a bit dry from the intensity of the red musk. Whose list to Hunt: heard good things but can't vouch for it.. Dragons Heart: if you like dragon's blood, I HIGHLY recommend this one. warm, dark red, intoxicating. my sweetheart loves it. Fae: sweet but dirty. the oakmoss amps the musk in this making it a lovely balance Bow & Crown of Conquest: if you liked Dorian, try this. truly haughty! al-asif: strong arabian musk and spices. Smells like a musky man to me. From mad tea party, I've found croquet and tis the voice of the lobster to be loaded with musk! Both are sweet though.. Good luck!!
  15. SophieCedar

    Paduan Killer Swarm

    I agree completely with the previous review. At first there's beeswax and licorice. Then tonka and coconut start to come out.. Drydown is much mellower after the sting of licorice is gone. The beeswax sticks around. The overall impression is closer to No 93 engine rather than antikythera though.
  16. SophieCedar

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    Wet: Hmm this is totally not as expected. The spices and red musk completely dominate the whole mixture. Smells more like a math teacher's cologne than a pampered harlot. Drydown: musk and spice settle a bit and the honey is fighting to get through. no benzoin.. Then a smell the faintest hint of caramel however it's distorted by the musk. Further into drydown: what a morpher! Red musk still smells like cheap men's cologne on me.. good to remember for future purchases.. but the rest of the notes are wonderful. I wish the musk worked!
  17. SophieCedar

    Godfather Death

    The olibanum (frankincense) is much stronger on me. Maybe this works better on masculine body chemistry. Smells like something familiar that I just can't put my hands on!! Argh! Not halloween make up, not burning or raw frankincense, not rubber, not pomade, hmmm... NicoleJoy- starting to suspect these imps are booby trapped... I did the same thing. Wearing it all over my shorts..
  18. SophieCedar


    My first impression wet was Dr. Pepper. Straight up! As wet phase wore on, this reminds me of A&D ointment. Deeper still.. pine.. christmas tree sap mixed with the smell of new plasticky lights straight out of the pack. Drydown: plastic rubber A&D ointment pine. Whew this passes to reveal pine, myrrh, and mullien. Weird~!
  19. SophieCedar


    Nice pick for a summertime frimp, lab! angel's trumpet and lettuce are the strongest at first. A lovely sweet pea note comes out too... probably the bois du rose mixing with the lettuce. Drydown: the wet notes stay but the orris and bois du rose come out more. Nice!
  20. SophieCedar

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    518: bananas butter and vanilla. Very foody and hits you in the back of your nose (in a good way). Sticks around for quite a while too... 506: lime/lemon/grapefruit (some tart citrus but smells like a combo), rum, maybe a touch of bourbon, and vanilla. The lime is super strong at the beginning. Maybe they put a touch of pink grapefruit in there? Yes. I think they did! Drydown: the citrus burns off a bit but leaves a strong echo. This is now a not too sweet, expertly made, perfectly balanced cocktail with a most definite sugared rim. Smells like trouble! (aka: cocktails so tasty they turn you into a complete drunken glutton) My sweetheart loves this one! 497: vanilla, black patchouli, and cinnamon. meh. Smells almost exactly like the Phoenix bubble bar from Lush. S'okay.. 2 out of 3 isn't bad!
  21. SophieCedar


    This is really floral. I mean REALLY floral. Warm tropical blooms. I don't know enough about Hawaiian flowers to tell the difference except for the obvious ones: orchid and hibiscus. Anyways, I looked it up! mai'a = banana, which I can pick up in drydown. akala = form of raspberry. same. faint until drydown Na'u = Hawaiian gardenia. This is strong at first with the moonflower and orchid/hibiscus yellow ilima = hibiscus family pink lokelani = aka Rose of Heaven. very sweet rose. I can smell this throughout! Hawaiian moon flower = morningglory I think? This I can smell throughout.
  22. SophieCedar

    Blood Amber

    delicious dragons blood and warm amber. Soft sexy and sweet. Slathering this on my next date with my sweetheart,
  23. SophieCedar


    Mmm. this is one of my "peculiar weird scent" favorites now (I classify my collection by base: florals/planty, sweet, spices, earthy, weird/unclassifiable, and resins). In imp it's sweet melon spliced with chili pepper and a slight hint of tobacco. Can't believe I almost didn't order this.. but thanks to the reviews, I did! Wet: this glides on very smoothly using the applicator. Wet smells about the same except the chili and tobacco amped a little. Drydown: This stays for quite a bit! Gin/juniper and tobacco comes out a more, making this smokier and sexier as time goes...but the throw is amazing. I normally hate melon smells but this rules.
  24. SophieCedar


    This is a bit screeching to me...my first impression is the produce section of an overcrowded supermarket with fluorescent lighting...I think the citrus and lotus is too much for me. I wanted to love this but glad I received it as a frimp instead of being disappointed with my purchase. Oh well! We can't win em all!
  25. SophieCedar


    Reminds me of Hunger and Satyr... orangey smelling and patchouli. This is the lightest, most feminine and citrusy out of the bunch however. Pretty nice and I look forward to using it in cooler weather.