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Everything posted by SophieCedar

  1. SophieCedar


    mmmm...carnation, amber, jasmine, light lily of the valley, wet warm rose, and a touch of black musk. Color impression dark red, orange and black. And I can tell the bergamont and tangerine are causing the orange color impression. I'm in love.
  2. SophieCedar

    Sea of Glass

    Wet: aquatic sharp men's cologne. The salt and citrus notes are a lot for my senses this early in the morning. Color impression sharp yellow and white with slabs of translucent light green glass. Drydown: mostly salt and dry yellow color impression. Something about this is reminding me of the weenie called Encroaching Madness. ETA: further into drydown this smells like a beachy yankee candle. Much cleaner and I can smell the florals.
  3. SophieCedar


    Wet: a whoosh of plumeria that just radiates. Instant mood lifter. The pear is actually green.. not overripe. no champagne yet. Drydown: perky plumeria is still jumping around. Greener and dryer.. now I smell the champagne! Slightly boozy but fun. Can't decide it it's a nsfw or sfw..
  4. SophieCedar


    “The Beautiful One Is Come”. Egyptian iris and olibanum with red and white sandalwood, soft myrrh and a breath of North African herbs. Wet: Hmm this is light so hard to pick out all the notes. Iris of course,frankincense, myrrh, then..? Drydown: it faded quickly then came back to life. Strange! I can smell the sandalwoods now. The frankincense amps and iris gets greener and rooty. Nice green clean blend that reminds me of something I tried when I 1st started purchasing from the lab..but damn if I can remember! Maybe smells like some of the floral graveyard-inspiried scents. I had tested this next to a sweet one, and it was awesome. Will keep for mixing and those days when I need a gentle clean solemn scent.
  5. SophieCedar

    Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery

    Nice. Poisoned beer.. or wait. Extra-poison beer. Wet: beer and a buttery sweet note. Very enticing! The smell makes me wish it was real...minus the poisons. Drydown: lovely warm sweet brown confection. Any alcohol note burns off and this smells like a slightly greener cockaigne.
  6. SophieCedar


    Wet: smells like cereal drenched in fruit punch in a one of those old wooden salad bowls from the 70s?? Is my snooter broken again? Drydown: still bizarre. More musk and still strange breakfast.
  7. SophieCedar

    Temple Viper

    I tried this a few months ago and it went wonky on me during drydown. Trying again for a fair review,considering fall isn't the best season to test things...I'm very biased towards sweet musky and earthy scents during autumn. In imp: reminds me exactly of a couple sample blends a friend made, when she was starting up, about 14 years ago. She called it "aphrodesia". Snake oil and champaca and cane sugar. Reminds me of a new age shop in the best way. Wet: same! Champaca mostly. a touch of frankincense and opoponax. Wonderful incense blend with sweet snake oil making it enticing. I can tell there's sugar cane in here too. It has a distinctive grassy, reedy sweet note. Hyssop is here too! (which I love) Drydown: the incense and sweet divide slightly.. I don't know how to explain it otherwise. Left in the center and most detectable is still champaca. Labdanum is recognizable but only if you're really stretching your senses to look for it. Overall, glad I waited to review. Nice dreamy incense snake oil, with a few divine qualities! This will go in my brain catalogue for possible future bottle order.
  8. SophieCedar

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    Wet: great floral blend. the lilac and wisteria are a wonderful soft wispy purple with an undercurrent of light red rose. Sweet, sad, unmistakable blend. Drydown: rose is more prominent. Some of the wisteria and lilac has burned off but it's still significantly altered the rose base that you wouldn't smell it and only say "rose".
  9. SophieCedar


    Wet: I'm not that familiar with the smell of stephanotis but I see it's also called "madagascar jasmine". I guess I can smell a tropical heady version of jasmine? I've smelled cyclamen and they don't really have a strong fragrance..maybe a bit like a green plumeria? I can definitely smell the gardenia and white rose. Heliotrope is there but hit or miss. Nice heady, white, buttery floral. Drydown: Same dynamics but looses a lot of omph. Still pleasant though!
  10. SophieCedar

    The Coil

    Wet: ozone and mint maxing out my nostrils. It's a great feeling. Transports me to cold wind-swept gardens with frost and snow laid over flowers. Drydown: eucalyptus comes out a little more.. it smells like b.o. for a second but passed. That scared the hell out of me! Uhm.. super morpher. Passionflower, orchid, lotus are dominant with a faint breath of mint and ozone. Smells like a strange air freshener.
  11. SophieCedar


    Wow. I like this much more than I thought I would. I flinched placing the order because it has the dreaded tea rose, who hates me so. Wet: warm glowing vanilla gardenia and jasmine with a breath of tea rose, which isn't tart sour or bitter by any means. I'm amazed! Very well blended. Whatever vanilla note this is, it's magic because it took the screaming bark out of all the other notes. This is like a nice dream. Drydown: a little more jasmine but it never goes sour or powdery. The vanilla continues to dominate over the florals. Great scent!
  12. SophieCedar

    The Red Rider

    This is second favorite behind Black Rider. Wet: nice red musk and moss overlaying the leather. Gives the impression of freshly tanned leather with thick suede on the underside...in fall. Drydown: the moss and balsam looses a bit of dirt/earth strength over the leather. It's still great but I really liked the prominent earthy note on top. maybe I should mix with dirt..? Yes!
  13. SophieCedar


    Wet: not looking at the notes this smells like one of those new deodorants that has jasmine, violet, tropical jungle blooms, orchid..etc.. pick anything more exotic than baby powder.. and that's what hits me. I think the orange blossom, nb jasmine, violet, and mandarin causing this. Drydown: oh! Super morpher. Red musk, plum, and smoky vanilla (tend to amp these big-time.) and more resinous and sweet notes, but my snooter's a little blocked up. I love italian horror very much so I refuse to give up on this. It's shape-shifting every couple seconds between the florals, musk, and sweet notes. I keep chasing different notes around my arm but they're escaping me.. Most of these notes are magic for me and I bought a bottle unsniffed. Definitely need to go back to this later.
  14. SophieCedar

    The Floating Market

    normally wouldn't have bought this one but it was in a pack with a couple other partials I really wanted. Wet: petitgrain, you love to amp on my skin... sharp green underripe citrus brown and incense notes. the copaiba balsam is lovely though! Appropriately, there are many curious and unfamiliar notes in here, so I'm having trouble identifying whats ganging up with the balsam to give me this men's cologne smell. I looked it up a few unfamiliars (thanks interwebs): now understand why its sinicuichi "accord".. it's a hallucinogen...made from a flowering plant..hahaha. Betel nuts-carcinogen commonly chewed.. interesting. Wattleseed-I remember hearing this one before..australian seeds that smell like hazelnut-y chocolate. Drydown: things are combining to give me an aquatic herbal smell with metallic ozone? This is a bizarre cologne!
  15. SophieCedar


    Wet: vanilla amber and arabian musk with a bit of coconut and peach. There's an incensey oude and champaca note too. This is much lighter than expected. I was hoping for something that could rival romanti.goth in strength. I can tell orchid's there but it's obscured by the ignition and evaporation of the sweet and musk notes. Drydown: the peach gets a little cloying then disappears, vanilla amber is slight. No currant or vetivert notable throughout the whole experience. The orchid leaves a slightly sour tinge and is left twined with the peach and coconut, but not in a good way. This is only if you're really paying attention... the whole mix is so light on my skin that I can barely tell I have perfume on. Kinda a bummer.
  16. SophieCedar

    Arachne of Lydia

    Another one reminiscent of Christmas Carol scents. Wet: not sure how much I can say about this one. It's exactly as described. Fuzzy brown clove and port wine-like black currant. Mmm..great. Now I want port wine cheese spread... Drydown: mostly clove and the currant has dried out a bit.
  17. SophieCedar

    The Ninth Cage

    Wet: reminds me of a few atmospherics from Christmas Carol. Oh wait.. there's the oak. Mostly oak and a touch of metal. Reminds me of the adjoined offices in the high school my dad worked at. They were filled with oak and iron furniture. We visited mostly in the summer. The AC was off and the furniture baked in the summer heat behind closed doors. When I'd open the door, a hot dense cloud of this smell would hit me in the face. Drydown: oak turns to mens cologne on me. The metallic note is amplifying this. Bizarre and not sure I'd wear it all the time, but interesting enough not to break up the imp set by swapping.
  18. SophieCedar

    The Last Unicorn

    I call this "White Wulric", as that's exactly how it plays out on my skin. Instead of cocoa absolute, lavender, and birch tar, there's white chocolate and iris, and lilac. Very girly, wispy, unique with a perfect balance between sweet and woodier/floral notes. Wet: loads of white chocolate, coconut, and a bit of lettuce and lilac. The oakmoss is a nice grounding touch. Soft, meaty, sweet. Drydown: sandalwood, orris and oakmoss are more prevalent. The white chocolate and coconut are still notable but aren't as loud. I can still smell touches of the lilac and iris, which is nice. Usually these notes jump right off my skin as soon as they can. Debating a bottle.
  19. SophieCedar

    Robin Goodfellow

    Oooh I like this. Wet: heather, sage, and moss with maroon black musk notes. Drydown: mostly moss and sage. Yesss...
  20. SophieCedar


    What a weird one! Wet: Ultraviolet doesn't morph quickly but the sensation is so bizarre that you expect it to. It vibrates! The neroli amps the eucalyptus, bounces off the violet, then the whole combo b-lines up my nostrils, injected with mint. I got the sensation it was dancing around my nasal cavity and wouldn't leave. Drydown: The eucalyptus and neroli settled...whew. It's violet and mint now with hints of eucalyptus and neroli. Actually nice, sweet, and uplifting! That was completely bizarre.
  21. SophieCedar

    Whoso List To Hunt

    Sensual brown musk, rich amber, English rose, oak bark, and moss. Wet: combination of english rose and suede-like brown leather with a touch of amber. The brown musk is amping it strangely. There's a sharp pungency about it. Drydown: english rose goes powdery on me apparently. It's a warm, powdery, brown country rose smell with wafts of smooth suede now. Very romantic. Oddly enough, this is growing on me like grandma's worst cookie recipe. Something about it is simultaneously revolting and comforting to me.
  22. SophieCedar

    The Butterfly

    Wet: Ohh, the petitgrain does not like my skin all that much... sharp! Combined with the bergamont and my Monday morning nerves, it caused a sensory explosion. Which, thankfully got me past my Monday nerves and onto other things. Drydown: The tonka and amber are 2 of my favorite notes and quickly take over as the petitgrain and bergamont settle down, making this a pleasant, resinous, sweet citrus scent. The bergamont and petitgrain continues to keep my focus, while the tonka and amber is tempting my mind to wander and disperse. Funny how it causes a sensation similar to the butterfly's erratic ramblings and movements.
  23. SophieCedar

    The Lilac Wood

    Fresh green grass, soft musk maybe?, and something that smells like crocus and lily of the valley? It's hard to tell what flowers are in here because of the green grass note. Nice, crisp, saving for a moment when I need to remember spring.
  24. SophieCedar


    Wet: very solemn blue white floral mix. Varying shades of gray and soft green too. The muguet and calamus are strongest, lily of the valley and hyacinth second. Drydown: same color mix, add dark purple. Great sad, but not sweet, floral scent. the lily of the valley is still slightly obscured by the calamus amd muguet? Unless this is a lily of the valley essence that I'm not familiar with. Further into drydown: ahh there's the lily of the valley! It gets a little spicier white floral as the blue/purple notes subside.
  25. SophieCedar


    Patchouli and tonka were off to a running start however the smoke & ash beat them into submission. This is a great blackened smell. I agree with a previous reviewer's comparison to Coalface from Lush, which I love and crave the smell of. Great smell for mischief, if you're tired of Goblin.