Blends: Tezcatlipoca*, Velvet, Thanatopsis, Langour, , Miskatonic U.*, Snake Oil, Dee, War, Morocco,*Tintagel*, Crowley*, Ghoul Hooligan*, Dawn: Cernunnos*, Bess, The Forest Reverie*, Whoso List to Hunt, The Lion, Fenris Wolf, Gold Phoenix, The Sportive Sun, The Black Rider
Notes: Cocoa, plum musk (how do you get musk from a plum?), honey, patchouli, tobacco, leather, fig, juicy fruit, cypress, red musk, wild musk, cream, sandalwood, vanilla (in moderation), lily, ceder, sassafrass, plum, birch, pine, wine, beer, grains, some rose, grape, lilac, some lavender, rose
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Writing, cooking, reading, trying to make books, elves, fantasy, sci-fi, the moon, mythologies, making up mythologies, character development, RPGs, raising my daughter to be a huge dork, food