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Everything posted by catpyjamas

  1. catpyjamas

    Teatime in Roswell

    Teatime in Roswell is definitely better once applied, at least on me. I don't love the bread-y note; I've smelled it before in other perfumes, and it tends to totally overpower everything else in a blend. It's headache-inducingly strong in this bottle-- the olfactory equivalent of being run over by a bakery truck. Fortunately, I decided to give Roswell a chance anyway. Once it's on skin, the bread dies down and the scent becomes complicated, interesting, and all-around enjoyable. I smell tea and cucumber and a hint of mint, with a faint creaminess in the background. It fades unusually fast (it's gone after two hours), but it's nice while it lasts.
  2. catpyjamas

    Dian's Bud

    On me, this smells a lot like a wet, new-mown lawn, with a little bit of melony sweetness when it's first applied. I love the scent of cut grass and wet plants, but if you don't, this probably isn't for you.