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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by blackbirdpie

  1. Based on Ded Moroz's reputation, I bought a bottle unsniffed. That turned out to be a very good decision.


    Others have said that it smells more like a forest thawing in late winter than a midwinter frozen landscape. To me it does smell like midwinter, but midwinter in a southern forest – chilly, but not frozen solid. Lots of moss, earth, and wood, with a touch of minty snow. It’s a beautiful scent that may be the next best thing to taking a hike through the Georgia mountains in January.


    These geographically evocative scents are the most impressive thing about BPAL to me. I keep thinking about that scene in Harold and Maude with the Smell-O-Ramas: “Subways, Perfume, Cigarettes, Cologne... Snow.”
