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BPAL Madness!


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About subscura

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Country
    United States


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  1. subscura

    Oh how she loves the pretty pepper

    I absolutely LOVE black pepper, and probably use way too much of it in my cooking for others tastes. I love the smell (but not the sneezies!) Saturnalia kind of reminds me of black pepper, but what else is out there?
  2. subscura

    Moss soap scent?

    Thank you for the suggestions (and especially the links, Apple!) I didn't really think anyone would remember/know about the soap--I must have been around 14 when it was out. Lyonesse sounds interesting...I love vanilla as well.
  3. subscura

    Moss soap scent?

    Years ago Yankee Candle had a hand soap...it may have been called "Moss" or something similar. This was at least 15 years ago, but I still think about the smell! It was gorgeous. It was sweet and earthy and moist-smelling...like sitting on some low rocks next to a cool brook in the shade, hints of sunlight dappling the greenery....mossy! The earthy aspect didn't have the heaviness of say, patchouli--it was more airy. I know it's a long shot, but does anyone remember this soap? What BPAL scents would you say fit the above description?