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Everything posted by DaniFae

  1. DaniFae


    Can we say dramatic changes, in the imp it was cherries, once it dried down, it was warm, spicy, incensey and wonderful, after about 5 hours, I start catching an odd smell one I haven't smelled in years, I take another sniff, I smell like play-doh. I like it, even when it wears down to the very odd play-doh sent, it's almost like perfume based regression, it starts out smelling like my early adulthood/late teen years, and then fades into the joyful childhood smell of play-doh. Strange, but kind of fun.
  2. DaniFae


    In the Imp: Sort of floral with the anis in the background, didn't pick up the sandalwood at all On wet: a sharp floral came to the top, very strong. Dry: I was hoping the floral would die down, no such luck smelled like the cheap bath sets I used to get at Christmas as a kid. Verdict, not for me too floral and sharp, kind of made me want to sneeze, I'm thinking that cherry blossom doesn't like me. It was one of my gamble scents I picked up, and it just didn't work out.
  3. DaniFae

    White Rabbit

    In the vial: Sweet, and slightly astringent, picking up mostly the honey and ginger, it almost reminds me of a perfume I had when I was a young teen. Scares me a bit, because my chemistry does horrible things with sweet. (It was a bit of a gamble when I bought the imp) Wet: Oh god honey, so much honey, with a bit of creaminess, I should have known better, but it sounded like it'd smell so good. Dry down: Holy crap, the honey died down, thank the FSM, still sweet but not smack you upside the head cloying anymore. Milky now, with a touch of vanilla, the linen smell is in the background, and cut with a tiny bit of spiciness. Smells kind of like baking, and clean laundry. Verdict: Over all very pleasant, and comforting. I'm surprised at how it turned out on my skin, I was half expecting a nightmare. Out of the scents I bought, and tried (still working through them) this is the one that I know my husband will go totally gaga over, when he gets home. (His favorite "perfume" I wear to date has been vanilla extract, yes, the stuff you use for baking.)